Black Lives Matter, An Isolated Issue Or Part Of A Greater Problem?

Lately much of the news has been centered around the “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) movement. For those who don’t know what this is, the BLM is an international activist organization, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism toward black people.

Unfortunately, even though this was always meant to be a peaceful campaign, many are taking their voices and violence into the streets all the while claiming to be part of this movement. And what’s happening because of this is something that feels far too similar to what happened back in the 60’s.

Since the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s killer in 2013 and the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 this violence continues to escalate. Lately it’s been centered in Charlotte due to the shooting death of a 43-year-old black man, a father of seven, by another police officer.

Each of the deaths that happened over the past few years such as this one that led to these violent outbreaks and protests have all been debatable. Did the person actually have a weapon? Could they have been subdued without killing them? Those seem to be the two main questions asked in each situation. Regardless of what the answers have been in each of these deaths, I believe the issue goes far beyond just black lives mattering.

The fact is I believe all lives matter, but sadly many still don’t. And violence in general with all of our races in our country is escalating. Chicago has seen more gang related deaths this year than ever before. Mass shootings keep on happening. Hate crimes are on the rise and so is domestic abuse.

It’s truly sad to watch our country be in such a state of turmoil. Everybody seems to be angry all the time these days. I sat at a café outside recently, having a coffee, and watched as multiple drivers passed by and screamed out their windows at cars near them who weren’t doing what they wanted them to do.

It just feels like everyone is extremely tense and on edge right now. And then there’s that presidential election that’s coming up where plenty have claimed to want neither candidate in office. I’ve heard nothing by hate and criticism for both candidates.

So what gives?

Is the BLM movement isolated or part of a greater problem going on in our country?

My feeling is this. People have fallen away from believing we all matter, that we all our connected, that we all are part of something greater. Call it God, call it Source, call it whatever you want. But somehow people are losing sight of a greater Light. Instead, they are becoming more and more self-absorbed, immersed in their technology and not caring about those around them as much anymore. And I believe that deaths such as all the ones that have become the basis of the BLM movement are going to keep on happening until people realize how far they’ve fallen away from this Light.

Not too long ago, before I entered this spiritual upheaval that’s been a part of my life for a few years now, I too was a very angry individual, filled with plenty of judgments and hatred towards others and living quite far from seeing any type of Light. But thankfully God intervened and allowed me to go through some type of conversion that hasn’t been easy at all to deal with, yet one that has slowly transformed me into a person who does unconditionally love everyone, even those who still can’t do the same with me.

Now I wholeheartedly know that every life matters, but until we all feel that within ourselves, until we all realize that every person we see is a part of us in some way, our country is only going to continue to divide and lead to more and more violence, bloodshed, and polarization.

Thus It’s my hope that everyone may go through a spiritual transformation of sorts, one where their hearts may become more open to forgiveness, rather than to resort to violence and hatred.

I know I’m just one voice, one who fully believes black lives matter, yet also one who believes all lives matter. God has shown me that, albeit through a pretty painful process. But I’m still grateful, because even when I see another death has happened, wrongful or not, my desire today is to pick up my cross and pray, to pray for forgiveness for everyone involved, and to pray for a brighter day where we all see and feel the Light…

For New Blog

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Sexual Objectification

One of the biggest struggles I have had in my recovery from a former sex and love addiction is something that’s called sexual objectification. What it means to sexually objectify someone is basically to look at them as a sexual object first and place everything else about them after that.

I know of many who have often told me that this is just a thing that guys usually do in life, but I tend to disagree only for the notion that it usually went way beyond just looking at someone who I thought was hot. In fact, whenever I got in the presence of someone I was seriously attracted to, I never really listened to anything they had to say. Instead, it’s like the rest of the world didn’t exist during those moments and the only thing that mattered was me looking at them as a sexual object and trying to figure out ways to sexualize the conversation I was having with them. Thankfully, I’m far better at listening and treating others less as sexual objects these days and more as spiritual beings of light, but I still do occasionally find myself getting caught up in compulsive sexual thoughts when I’m around someone I find really attractive. And that bothers me…A LOT.

For as much as I’ve worked on my spiritual program and my relationship with God, I don’t like the fact that I still feel such a strong compulsion towards sex, now that I have over four years of sobriety and am in a monogamous relationship with someone as well. But I’m told in recovery that this addiction’s recovery is far different than one like alcohol or drugs because with those they aren’t a part of our human makeup. Our sexuality is though.

And having acted out in this addiction for as long as I did, I’ve come to realize I hard wired sexual objectification within me as almost a normal way of life. Thus unprogramming it is taking a huge amount of effort. Just the other day in fact I was at the movies with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time, one I do find attractive, and there I found myself having sexual thoughts about them that I didn’t want to have. My only solution to deal with that was to pray a number of times to God, which indeed did work.

Regardless, I don’t like the fact that I still think this way at times. It feels like it’s so ingrained within me and honestly if I knew where the switch was to turn it off permanently I would. Sexually objectifying anyone truly takes me away from feeling God’s love and presence and it also prevents me from spiritually connecting with some wonderful human beings.

Why I’m sharing this is because lately I’m finding the desire to spread more understanding about certain aspects of a sex and love addiction. Most people never talk about things like this, especially in writing for the world to see. But as I mentioned in a posting a few days ago, someone’s got to, at least for the purpose of letting others know out there in the world who may be suffering from this, that they’re not alone.

I’m just grateful that I’m honest about where I’m at in life nowadays with this addiction’s recovery, because even with writing about something like sexual objectification, I find it helps to take away some of the unwanted desires I still have with this addiction. And that alone makes writing articles like this more than worth it…

For New Blog

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson