Daily Reflection

“The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn’t matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark.” (Barbara Hall)

I used to hike a lot, back before all my health issues became my everyday norm and when I did, I often liked doing it alone. With just me and God in nature, it was usually the perfect combination to helping me feel a lot better and generally more connected to Source. Whether it was hiking in parks, mountains, or on beaches, I simply enjoyed exploring. Sometimes in those nature-filled explorations, I’d veer off the main trails I was on and follow less marked ones mostly in the hopes of seeing something unique and special that most others wouldn’t. Typically, those deviations never amounted to much of anything other than hitting a dead-end or getting lost for a short period of time. But, as soon as I found my way back onto those main trails, I’d eventually get to see the special clearings and views that everyone else got to see as well. Recently, I found myself pondering all this and realized how much my hiking is quite symbolic to my life in general.

You see throughout my life, I’ve most definitely have wandered off the path I was meant to be from time to time, sometimes for longer periods than others, all in the hopes of discovering something better or something easier or something just different from all that mundaneness that life was bringing me. Sadly, the majority of those alternate paths I chose frequently landed me in addictions, toxic relationships, disappointing jobs, poor health and worse. And with each, I’d consistently see the Higher Path, my original path, was the best path all along and so I’d trudge my way back onto it with new lessons learned.

The fact remains, there are a lot of paths out there that may seem far more alluring and attractive than the one we’re on. But even if the majority of those other paths lead us into nothing more than greater pain and hardship, there’s Something that’s constantly there to guide us back onto the one that’s for our Highest Good.

While it’s true I probably won’t stay on my Highest Path 100% for the rest of my life and will most likely get lost on a few side trails from time to time looking for greater excitement or another easier, softer way, I’m just glad to know I can ALWAYS call on God to make my way back onto the path I’m meant to be on, because in the end, God ALWAYS has shown me the way.

Dear God, I know I’m not unique in that I tend to stray off the path I’m meant to be on from time to time. Please don’t ever let me remain lost for too long and thank you for the help I know you will forever freely give me to find my way back into Your arms.

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Question Of The Day

Today’s question is…

Who is someone in your life that’s quite humble and does a lot for others, but never expects any sort of praise, and yet is quite deserving of it?

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

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Grateful Heart Monday

Welcome to another chapter of Grateful Heart Monday, where I show appreciation and gratitude for someone or something that’s touched my heart, which for today is for a generous and humble individual named Randy Sutherland.

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Randy at a men’s coffee group here in Toledo and ever since, I’ve gotten to see how great of a guy he truly is. Always friendly and warm, Randy is such an extremely approachable person. I honestly can’t say I’ve ever seen him yelling or mad at anyone. While I’m sure he’s had his moments like we all do from time to time, I have never seen him acting negatively towards anyone. Rather, he usually just has a genuine smile on this face and offered plenty of good conversation.

I really began to see the generosity of Randy with the several parties he regularly opens his house up to for everyone to enjoy during various times of the year. During the middle of the summer, it’s a garden party where people get to see his ornate talent and skills throughout his beautiful backyard. During the fall, it’s his costumed Halloween parties that have been a huge blast for those who’ve attended. And just after every new year begins, it’s his post-holiday get-togethers where guests get to see much of his exquisite decorating and are treated to a fun bash of treats and foods all around his home.

And speaking of decorating, one of the things I’ve come to really admire about Randy is how he uses that talent every year to spruce up a part of the Wildwood Manor House in Wildwood Park when it’s opened up to the public every December for just over a week for special Christmas tours. Randy is quite accomplished when it comes to his eye for decorating, especially there, often using mannequins throughout his displays. One such display really moved me a few years ago in the great room of this Wildwood Manor home, where he uniquely placed a male mannequin romantically proposing to another male mannequin, something that I felt was a very bold move for this ultra conservative area, and one I really appreciated Randy for doing.

While I haven’t ever had the pleasure of hanging out with Randy one on one, I do know from others that he’s a very loyal and giving friend and someone people really look forward to being around because he’s just that nice of a guy.

Selfless, kind, and caring, I’m grateful to be a part of Randy’s extended network of friends and simply wanted to put a little something out there for someone who I think is rather humble and would never expect anything like this to be written about him. Randy Sutherland is definitely someone who deserves some praise and gratitude for once, which is precisely why I picked him as the recipient for today’s Grateful Heart Monday.

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson