Are You A Rescuer?

Are you the type of person who keeps trying to fix a friend or loved one’s problems only to find yourself getting totally frustrated when they don’t do the work to fix themselves and instead, continue to repeat the same behaviors?

My hand is definitely raised quite high right now because I’m so very guilty of this. I have spent an incredible amount of energy attempting to rescue those who keep drowning by their own actions, often pulling myself in way too close to the point where they end up trying to drown me along with them. And each and every time I get that close to those going around and around in circles in their lives, I often become the recipient of their guilt trips and shame, which habitually causes me to become angry and frustrated. I began this behavior as a kid with my alcoholic mother and I’m tired of it. It’s time to let this rescuing behavior go and it’s time to let those people go who aren’t willing to help themselves.

Today alone I received three very long voicemails in a short period of time from a guy who was extremely angry and extremely desperate to get from Ohio to Michigan because he believed the legalized marijuana there would help his PTSD and chronic relapses with alcohol and other drug addictions. I had already presented the solution to him a number of times prior, by suggesting the 12 Steps, in patient treatment, and seeking a closer relationship to a Higher Power, but he wasn’t having any of it. Because of this, I decided the healthiest solution for me was to not return any of his calls, as I know it wouldn’t have done any good and only would have caused me to expel energy I don’t want to expel anymore.

It’s time to take care of myself and stop taking responsibility for all those like this who are broken, but aren’t willing to do the work to fix themselves. As I know that no matter how many times I try to fix them, I’ll keep getting burned and be constantly reminded of all my repeated failures to rescue my mother.

My ultimate realization now is that I’m not the cause of anyone’s constant relapses into alcohol or drugs or any other addiction for that matter. It’s also not my responsibility to correct another’s financial problems, relationship issues, health troubles, or any other repeated difficulty they are having. What I can do is pray for them to become truly willing to help themselves.

I’m so ready to take my life back from all the years I gave away to my mother and those like her, who only have ever known how to take and take and take and take, which sadly, I was one of them for periods of my life as well. Thankfully though, I’ve worked hard to change this, but now it’s time to work on the other side of the coin, to not keep giving myself away through rescuing.

It’s time to become a stable, healthy, individual who has boundaries and keeps to them, who helps to lead others to the water, but doesn’t try to force them to drink it. Because the only one who can drink that water, who can fix themselves, who can change themselves, is the person they see in the mirror every day. It’s not my problem and never was to make them see otherwise, or to take ownership of any of their drama either.

It’s time to finally free myself from this burden in 2020. I’m done playing the rescuer. Sink or swim, that’s up to them, but when they finally do become ready to do the work, I know God will give me the strength and guidance to help, as then it will be healthy and productive for both them and me…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Question Of The Day

Today’s question is…

What is one topic (or thing) you DO NOT like to talk about with anyone currently in life, that you do your best to avoid?

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step The Twelfth Step

Grateful Heart Monday

Welcome to a new week and a new Grateful Heart Monday, where gratitude is my only focus, which for today is for all those who remain non-political and unbiased during such a heated political climate these days in our country.

I’m not sure if there’s ever been a time where I’ve ever felt the political tension to be as high as it does feel right now all around me every single day. It honestly has become quite difficult to escape it between all those impeachment proceedings and those talking about it, the upcoming presidential election and all the advertising now beginning to surround it, and all those hot issues up for debate that our country seems to be stuck on.

I have a number of friends who quite heatedly post their political views daily on social media, each of which hope to make their impact upon the world by pulling others onto their side. Thankfully, I’ve remained unbiased by it all and have been grateful for those who too have steered clear of engaging in any of this ultra-angry political atmosphere.

Truthfully, the last thing I want to do over any type of social hour, meal, or water-cooler conversation is talk about anything political whatsoever. Because frankly, I don’t care. There, I said it and I’m so grateful for those who feel as I do. Sadly, I’ll probably be unfriended on Facebook by someone reading this who thinks they will prove a point that me taking this type of stance is stupid and the very reason they believe our country is the way it is. When the very reason our country is the way it is has a lot more to do with the lack of love we are offering each other these days.

That’s why I want to go deeper when I hang out with people and it’s why I want to always know what’s really hurting a person from within. I want to talk about wounds they haven’t been able to heal yet, ones that have nothing to do with the political climate in this country. It’s going to be very difficult to ever heal those wounds though when the focus is consistently outside oneself on things like all this political insanity in our country.

Whether Trump/Pence remains president/vice president or not, whether something changes to health care, abortion, gun control, etc., I choose to not lose sleep over any of it and am so thankful for those who want to carry on conversations with me that don’t involve anything in this arena. I find having those type of conversations so stressful and draining and never do I feel better about myself or others or this country for that matter, when having them. I find them separating and not unifying, creating division, rather than connection.

So, for all of you out there, you know who you are, those who shy away from political conversations and really wish to simply make more heart and loving connections with people in general in this world, I’m grateful for each of you, because it’s all of you who I believe will make the difference on this planet by helping to move it towards one of love instead of one where people keep taking sides over things like politics…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson