Grateful Heart Monday

Welcome to another Grateful Heart Monday, which for today is a brief entry of heart-felt gratitude to all who have supported my partner Chris and I during this long battle with COVID-19.

Getting COVID-19 has been tough. Really tough actually. My partner and I truly have gone through a pretty big ordeal of sickness in our house where for a good period of time, neither of us were even able to get out of the separate beds we were sleeping in given how sick we felt.

Unlike any sickness we’ve ever had, there have been many moments where it truly seemed as if this virus was never going to start getting better. But, in the midst of it all, I must say it was knowing how many people cared about us that helped us to keep going and keep fighting thus far.

So, to all the people who responded with loving messages to my initial posting where I let everyone know my partner and I had contracted COVID, Thank You.

To all the people who have called us on the phone to see how we are doing. Thank You.

To all the people who have texted or messaged us on social media to see if we were ok. Thank You.

To all the people who went to the grocery store for us and got us some essentials to keep going. Thank You.

And to all those who have simply prayed and sent positive healing energy to us behind the scenes for our well-being. Thank You.

While there are far too many names to mention individually for today’s Grateful Heart Monday, I promise you that each of your names are upon my partner’s heart and my heart in today’s brief entry of thankfulness, for what you have done to help us navigate through this sickness thus far. It seems as if it has gotten us through the worst of it and that we are finally on the mends. So thank you everyone for all the love and light you’ve given Chris and I to make it to this point and for any more of that you send our way as we continue to heal. We love you!

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

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