Thought For The Day

Today’s quotes deal with all the money ill-spent during much of my life, on addictions, on people, places, and things, and a lot of time and energy, only to discover a lot of spiritual truths through it all…

“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people that they don’t like.” (Will Rogers)

“Wealth consists not in having great possessions but in having few wants.” (Epictetus)

“Every time you spend money, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want.” (Anna Lappe)

“Once you really accept that spending money doesn’t equal happiness, you have half the battle won.” (Ernest Callenbach)

“Spend your money on the things money can buy. Spend your time on the things money can’t buy.” (Haruki Murakami)

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Saying Goodbye To Harley…

While I’ve known a few people in my life named or nicknamed Harley, today’s title and subject material isn’t about any of them, it’s about an obsession I had, an addiction at best, that I finally was able to say goodbye to, once and for all.

Just over ten years ago now, I was obsessed, codependently, with a guy named Andy, someone who loved Harley Davidson motorcycles and clothing more than anything else. When I met him, I was interested in neither, yet became immediately enamored with both him and his two-wheeled adoration. Prior to meeting him, no offense to the rest of the Harley Davidson aficionados, I couldn’t stand hearing those bikes whenever they went by. They hurt my hearing and most of the guys I ever knew who owned them were typically rude and obnoxious to me, always parking their motorcycles on sidewalks and acting like they were better than everyone else.

But in came Andy into my life, in the 12 Step recovery world, during a stint where addiction ruled some of his world temporarily. I immediately became smitten with him because that’s what an addict like me did so easily back then. It didn’t take long before I was hanging out with Andy more than not, doing my best to fit into his world, even though I stood out like a sore thumb. His world was a bunch of bad-ass biker type of guys, all heterosexual, who partied hard and talked about many things I had no clue about. In my best of thinking (but really worst of thinking), I decided that maybe if I bought a whole bunch of Harley Davidson clothing, shaved my head, and grew a goatee, that I’d fit in better into Andy’s world, and he’d like me better. As I said already, this is what serious codependency and love addiction does to an addict of that type of variety, one who becomes addicted to pleasing another to gain their love, often at their own expense.

Over the course of almost two years, I amassed close to $1000 of Harley clothes and hats, all top-of-the-line type of stuff. Most of the time I wore it people would ask me what kind of Harley bike I owned. Whenever I responded that I didn’t have one, I was usually asked what kind I’d like to have. I never had a good answer because deep down I still didn’t like Harley Davidson bikes or motorcycles in general, yet I pretended to like them for the sake of winning Andy over, so I generally made up an answer. This never won Andy over and only made myself seriously sick in the process, trying to become something I wasn’t ever meant to. This is sadly what codependent and love addicted type of thinking does to a person in the long run.

Eventually, towards the end of April of 2012, Andy called me one day to hang out. I had become so sick from that addiction at that point, I knew I had to say goodbye. While I successfully did that day, I didn’t say goodbye fully to Harley Davidson. Although, I would never again buy any of its clothing after that, I continued to wear what I had for another ten years. I don’t know why I did for so long, maybe because I felt like a bad ass whenever I wore it, maybe because I had spent so much money on it, or maybe because it still reminded me of the love I once had for Andy, I’m not sure? But eventually one evening, just over a week ago now, I opened my closet and saw all that clothing and knew I needed to let it, Andy, and any traces of that old addiction go, once and for all.

I headed to Goodwill the next day with it all in tow and handed it to a man there accepting donations. He ironically told me he was a big enthusiast of Harley Davidson motorcycles, go figure! He was shocked to see so much of the brand in my hands and in such amazing quality. I held a conversation with him about his hobby and when it ended, I breathed a huge sigh of relief, knowing it was probably going to be the final time I ever talked about Harley Davidson motorcycles again.

While this indeed was a big step for me, considering how much time, energy, and money I had spent on Harley Davidson, trying to win over Andy all those years ago, I am blessed to be fully free of it all now. Saying goodbye to Harley was probably the best thing I have done in my SLAA program of recovery in a good, long while, and I can say that I am a far healthier person now because of it. Thanks be to the strength of God and my 12 Step SLAA program of recovery!

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Silly Joke Friday

Silly Joke #1

Employer: “We need someone responsible for this job.”
Blonde: “Sir your search for someone to fill this position can end here! You see, in my previous job whenever something went wrong, everybody said I was responsible!!!”

Silly Joke #2

A very faith-based young lady came home from her date rather sad. She told her mother, “Jeff just proposed to me an hour ago.” “Then why are you so sad?” her mother asked. “Because he also told me he was an atheist Mom! He doesn’t even believe there’s a hell.” Her mother replied, “Marry him anyway. Between the two of us, I’m sure we’ll eventually show him how wrong he is!!!”

Silly Joke #3

A college girl was given a challenging homework assignment for her Literature class. It was to write a story in as few words as possible that would still gain the readers attention and it needed to be about religion, sexuality and mystery. She ended up receiving the highest grade in the class all because she wrote…”Good God! I’m pregnant and I don’t know who did it!”

Bonus Silly Joke

A blonde decided not to name her dog “Rover” or “Boy” or “Duke” when she was young and had named it something she’d never forget, which was  “Sex”. Unfortunately it’s gotten her into trouble ever since…

Example 1: When she went one day to where you get a new dog license, she told the clerk she would like to have a license for Sex. He thought she was praying a prank and chuckled, “I’d sure like to have one of those too!” But when she responded, “You don’t understand, I’ve had Sex since I was 11 and never got a license for it!” The clerk said she should probably leave.

Example 2: When she got married and went on her honeymoon, she decided to take the dog with her. She told the hotel clerk while her husband and her dog were outside with their car that she wanted a room that had a special place for Sex. He thought she was making a joke and chuckled, “Every part of our rooms can be used in that way ma’am.” She didn’t quite get it and responded, “You don’t understand, Sex keeps me awake at night.” The clerk tried to joke again, “Me too.” But when she responded, “Is it ok to have Sex anywhere in this hotel?” The clerk wasn’t joking anymore and said the hotel she was looking for was on the other side of town.

Example 3: When she entered Sex in a dog contest, Sex got away just before the competition began. Another contestant saw her looking around in one room after another and asked what she doing. She told him she had planned to have Sex in the contest. He joked and said, “You probably would have sold out tickets!” She didn’t quite get it and responded, “You don’t understand, I really hoped to have Sex on television.” He contacted the head of security after that.

Example 4: When she and her husband separated, her husband took the dog. She went to court to file for custody of it. In court, she said, “Your Honor, I’ve had Sex before I got married!” The judge joked, “Me too.” She didn’t quite get it and responded, “After I got married, Sex was never the same.” The judged joked again, “Me too.” But when she responded again, “I’d even be ok if I could give you Sex until you make the decision on this case!”, the judge immediately threw her case out.

Example 5: When her husband decided to finally return her dog, Sex ran off again the very first night. She spent hours looking around town for him. A policeman pulled up at one point and asked, “What are you doing in this part of town at 4 in the morning ma’am?” She said, “I’m hoping to find Sex officer! Can you help me?” The officer not in the mood began to arrest  her. She yelled, “I’m only looking for my dog named Sex, why is that a crime?” The officer realizing she was a blonde said, “You might want to change the name of your dog ma’am.” She didn’t quite understand why and the officer could tell, so he just said as he started to drive away…”Maybe you need to stop looking for Sex tonight and call it a night!”

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson