Welcome to another Grateful Heart Monday, where gratitude remains the sole expression of my writing at the start of every week. For today, I would like to express my gratitude for all the late nights I stay up now and the peace I often experience during many of them.
I stay up really late, and I do mean REALLY late. As I type these very words, it’s 3:30am and most likely I’ll be up for another hour. Most everyone I know is already long asleep by now, or possibly getting up for an early morning shift. But I’m one of those rare few who’ve discovered a peace in the darkest of night or should I say the wee hours of the morning, where the world seems to slow way down. It’s a time where I enjoy because cars aren’t driving by. Because there isn’t talking or construction outside. And because it’s when nature even become quiet.
It’s at this time of the night when I tend to listen to some extremely deep house music, specifically a form of ethereal minimalistic house with 120 beats per minute that has very little words or none at all. Listening to this angelic sounding music form helps me to slow my mind way down and focus even more on the spiritual side of me.
On the contrary, back in the day, it was during this time of the night when I was doing all of my addictive behaviors, staying up until I couldn’t keep my eyes open from all the drugs and alcohol pumping through my system, hanging out in casinos gambling all my money away, or hooking up with strangers I was trying to get high off of the sex with them.
Now, I am choosing to transmute all that old negative energy into something far better at a time of the night that I find myself still loving to stay up into. Ironically, it’s during these darkest hours that seem to provide me the greatest of light because this is when most of my creative writing expression occurs and it’s also when I find myself connecting the most to my heart and soul, and God of course.
So, for all those out there who have found the same peace I have during this exceptionally late time of the night, I’m glad we share it in common and am dedicating today’s Grateful Heart Monday to these few hours where I feel something I normally don’t during most of my days…
Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson