What If “All The World’s A Stage…” Is Really True?

Every time I see any type of awards show such as the Oscars, my brain starts trying to idolize those famous people who are walking on those red carpets. As I watch the fans in the nearby stands scream and shout in ecstasy while getting star-struck, I find a part of the worldly me begins wanting to become famous as well. Usually, I’ll start asking myself why it is those actors and actresses can become so popular by just performing on some type of a stage. Recently though, I put a lot more thought to this and remembered a famous Shakespearean quote that says, “All the world’s a stage”. This got me wondering, what if everyone of us on this planet are all on some type of a bigger stage? One where our daily performances are being watched by others not of this plane, and one where we might be famous as well with our own built-in fan-base.

To buy into what I’m theorizing, I guess it goes to say that you will have to accept there is something more beyond this plane of existence. What I have come to believe in my own spiritual journey is that there is definitely an after-life. But what that after-life looks like, how you get there, and how long you stay in it, are all out of my own realm of knowledge. What I do know is that if there really is an after-life, it’s probably filled with countless souls. And if there are countless souls, then maybe each of them are watching our world like it’s a huge stage, just like we might, when watching something on a movie screen, a television set, or in some other type of theater.

While I really can’t say what exists after my life expires with any surety, is it really that far-fetched to believe that there is some type of beings watching us each and every day? Whether you may call them angels, archangels, or some other type of light-filled spirit, I find it hard to refute the possibility that they may watching our day to day performances as we walk through life.

Maybe they are crying when we when are having a pain filled day, just like we might be doing when watching a sad movie. Or maybe they are bursting out laughing when we’re having a silly day, just like we might be doing if we’re watching a comedy show. Or quite possibly, maybe they are feeling love when we are demonstrating that unconditionally towards someone else in this world, just like we might be feeling when seeing the same in a theater.

Whatever the truth is, I am inclined to believe these days that I already am famous with a huge fan-base that’s not of this world. While I might not be that well known currently, like many of those actors and actresses walking on the red carpets, I look forward to the day where I leave this plane and have my own special carpet to walk on. There I plan on meeting those who have been cheering me on each and every day, through all of the trials and tribulations I’m navigating through in life.

So the next time I find myself wishing I had fame like those I see on the red carpets, I plan on taking a moment, breathing, and remembering that “All the world’s a stage” and my daily performance is probably being watched by many others on another plane of existence. And that alone will make me feel pretty famous…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

One thought on “What If “All The World’s A Stage…” Is Really True?”

  1. I believe that the truth is that each of us already have a red carpet to walk on. I have days that do not seem like I am walking on the red carpet, but in seeking inner peace with my higher power I can see the red carpet under my feet. It is like holding a penny up close to your eye and all you see is the penny (the penny may represent what is getting in your way of seeing the red carpet). But the farther you move the penny from your eye, the more you are able to focus on other things around you and the more you focus on the blessings, until you no longer see the penny at all and you are seeing the red carpet under your feet instead. I believe that those few minutes that all the actors and actresses walk on the red carpet for fame and acceptance does not fill their life with inner peace every day and my hope is that they seek their higher power for inner peace while walking their life journey on its red carpet.

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