Andy’s Happy Thanksgiving Wish!

Question: How can you make a turkey float?
Answer: You need 2 scoops of ice cream, some root beer, and a turkey!

Yeah, tomorrow’s Thanksgiving Day! I can’t wait to have my fill of Mr. Gobble Gobble and all those trimmings and desserts too. By the way, can you believe that Andrew is taking his partner out to some expensive restaurant for their holiday meal? I think it’s because he’s just a little bit impatient to wait for Chris to prepare it. Or maybe it’s because every time he helps out in the kitchen the local fire department seems to come for a visit! 🙂 In all seriousness though, I have to give Andrew a lot of credit because he’s been doing a ton of work on himself to heal his life and mine of course. So keep up the good work big bro!

Oh before I forget to tell you something, Andrew asked me to mention how he’s going to be taking a break from writing in his blog for the next couple of days. I guess that’s ok since every old geezer kind of needs one of those from time to time now don’t they? LOL. Anyways, you’ll at least still be seeing his brief Thought For The Day quotes during that time. That’s probably a good thing though because sometimes those quotes seem to be way more interesting than a few of his articles now don’t they? Just kidding Andrew!

Well before I go and before I bore you to death, (I bet you thought I was going to make another joke here on Andrew now didn’t you?) the main reason why Andrew had me write today’s entry was to be the one to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. I only hope that each of you will treat those you spend it with really well. This is a day to bring family, friends and loved ones together. It’s not a day for fighting, arguing, or being mean to each other ok? And one more thing, if you happen to know of someone who has no one to be with for the holiday, maybe you could ask him or her to spend it with you so that they’re not alone. Andrew and I went through a few of them like that over the years and they were always very lonely.

So that’s about it everyone! Just remember to bless your turkey or whatever food you have to eat this Thanksgiving. Be grateful for having food in the first place and for whomever you get to share it with. Love the little kid who still lives inside you and try to have some fun with them during this holiday. And with that, I wish each and every one of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson