September’s Questions For You To Ponder

Hello everyone! I decided it was time to do the monthly questions for everyone to ponder. I know it’s a little sooner than I usually do each month, but it always seems like I wait until the last few days or so before posting them. So I guess I’m being somewhat proactive in doing it now. 🙂 Anyway, I hope each of you will continue to take some time to mull them over, and as always, my own answers are listed below.

  1. If you became the next President of the United States, what would be your number one priority to helping our country?
  2. What do you struggle letting go of the most in your life?
  3. If Jesus actually returned to earth in your lifetime and you were given a small amount of time alone with him, how would you use it?
  4. What one thing can’t you live without?
  5. If you were reincarnated after this life, name three traits/circumstances you would want to experience within it?
  6. If you could tame any animal and have it as a pet, what would it be?
  7. How do you regularly spend the last hour each day before going to bed?
  8. Name one TV show that truly affected your thinking about life?
  9. If you had to live in the shoes of any one person in this world for just one day, who would it be?
  10. If you could remove one trait in the world in entirety forever, what would it be?

And one more for good measure as always:

  1. If you could have one superpower/ability, what would it be?

My answers:

  1. Finding ways to create more peace and unity.
  2. What other people think and say about me.
  3. I’d ask if I was living the life God wanted me to live and then I’d ask for healing.
  4. The happiness and joy that only comes from feeling my Higher Power’s presence within me.
  5. An unconditionally loving and spiritual family, a life free of addictive tendencies, and be Asian, Indian, or Native American.
  6. Some kind of tiger.
  7. Working on a puzzle, writing in my blog, watching one of my sci-fi/fantasy shows, doing my grateful journal, and praying.
  8. Senese8.
  9. My partner.
  10. Violence and bloodshed.
  11. The ability to speak and write and understand any language.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson