Did God Speak To Me Through Three Baby Birds?

I’m really beginning to believe that God speaks to us far more than we tend to think and maybe the reason for that is due our ego often wanting that communication to only appear in certain ways, such as that burning bush type of experience.

If you’re unfamiliar with what I mean, the burning bush was a biblical reference dating back to when God appeared to Moses and spoke through a bush that was on fire but where the fire was not destroying the bush itself.

I’m sure everyone in the world who has ever had some type of faith in a God greater than themselves would love to experience some type of direct communication. But from my limited knowledge, I’ve never known of anyone in my lifetime that’s ever had one of those, which leads me to believe that God communicates to us in many other ways. Unfortunately, I think our brains often fail to see any of it, whether that’s because we are looking so hard for that burning bush, we’re just that closed-minded, or far too preoccupied with other things in life.

Nevertheless, I am finding the more I open myself to do God’s will and leave my ego behind these days, the more I’m experiencing events that seem out of the norm and could possibly be some type of communication from my Higher Guidance. Take the past week for example, where three baby birds, on three different days, all fluttered to the ground directly in front of me and proceeded to work very hard on learning how to fly.

What’s ironic about this repeating event is that I believe it’s not only an answer to a recent prayer, but also symbolic of where I’m at in life. Not too long ago, my teacher who was a mother of sorts to me, pushed me out of the nest where I’ve been safe and protected and learning many great spiritual tools from her for some time now. Since then, I’ve been completely overwhelmed trying to fly on my own and have been wondering if I’m even still on the right path. So I’ve been praying about this day after day, asking for some sort of confirmation from God that I am indeed continuing to move forward on my healing path.

Of course, my ego would love for God to have appeared directly and say “YES, ANDREW, YOU ARE EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. KEEP IT UP. YOUR WINGS ARE BEGNNING TO SPREAD.” Or something like that. But instead, three random baby birds appeared and showed me their own quest to learn how to fly. And in their eyes, as they stood merely a foot away from me, I saw their utter fear. Yet, they kept doing their best to learn how to fly, all on their own.

I’ve never flown on my own in my entire life and I know it’s time to. I know that’s what God wants of me and I believe that’s why these baby birds showed up in the way they did. I ultimately feel that God is speaking to me through them, to let me know I’m where I’m supposed to be and to keep doing what I’m doing.

I must admit though that only a few years ago, I probably wouldn’t have even paid mind to events like this. In fact, I know I’d be completely oblivious to it. But that’s because I was always moving, doing, being scattered, and immersed in too many things and in too many addictions.

So do I think that God communicates to us in non-verbal ways far more than we probably realize? Absolutely. But I think that if we ever want to experience them, we need to slow down and be a lot more still in life, as then we might just start hearing from God in ways we could never have imagined.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

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