A Funny One-Liner In Ghostbusters And Politics

I watched the new version of Ghostbusters the other day and heard an extremely funny one-liner towards the end that really made me think about all that’s going on with our political systems here in the United States.

When one of the main characters comes out of a somewhat confused state and says how long has she been gone, one of the other ghostbusters responds and says “It’s 2040 and our President is a plant!”

I can honestly say I haven’t laughed so hard at any point over the past year as I did after hearing that joke. But the truth is, it does speak volumes for what’s going on with our political systems.

Lately, I often feel like I’m watching a three-ring circus when it comes to the politics in our country. With all the events surrounding this upcoming presidential election, everybody seems to hold such strong negative opinions about each candidate. People have summed up both as either a liar who can’t be trusted or a nutcase with no qualifications to hold office. And I continue to hear so many say as well that they think our country is screwed and headed in the wrong direction.

I’m doing my best to remain positive though because engaging in all this negative energy is only going to make things worse. But I also admit that I really have no idea who I’m going to vote for at this point, mainly because of all these negative things being said. What I do know is that I just want our country to continue moving forward towards greater equality for everyone and to move farther away from the polarization I see happening much too often as of late.

One nation under God was how our forefathers saw us and I wonder if they would be ashamed what we’ve become lately. And speaking of God, I really wonder some days what He’s thinking with all of this. Nevertheless, a three-ring circus maybe isn’t the best description for how I view our political systems these days. Instead, I tend to think it’s more like a bunch of children fighting for control of something. I just wish our country would start coming together in peace and love and find leadership that will support that. I certainly hope it doesn’t take some terrible tragedy to make that happen, but sadly that often seems like what ends up happening to bring about great positive changes.

Regardless, I’ve decided to just tune out all this election-based stuff going on right now, as I don’t find any of it helpful. Nor do I find it beneficial talking about it with people because very few are looking at any of it in a positive manner. Instead, I’m choosing to send love, forgiveness, and peace to everyone both inside and outside our political systems and hope that one day we may all come together in unity, rather than separation and discord.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

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