Another Character Defect – Making False Accusations

Have you ever accused someone of doing something that you were absolutely convinced they were guilty of it, only to find out later that it was of your own doing all along? A few days ago, I was helping my partner to assemble a tall, metallic, border fence in his backyard when I did this very thing to him. While I could bore you with all the details of what led up to this, I decided it was more important to go right to the end of the story instead.

By the time we had finished with this project, it was starting to pour outside so we quickly cleaned everything up and moved it all into the garage. It was there that I discovered one of the stakes was missing from those that we knew were going to be leftover. For the next twenty minutes, I proceeded to accuse my partner of forgetting where he put it. As we searched in every nook and cranny of the garage and then got wet outside while we looked entirely there too, I grew more and more flustered. With each passing moment, I continued to poke and prod him for his apparent memory loss of where he had set it down. After hearing him defend himself so many times from my constant barrage of senile comments I was making towards his way, it hit me. It wasn’t missing at all. The truth was I had only just miscounted on how many were supposed to be remaining in the first place. And it was then, that I felt truly terrible. I promptly admitted my wrongdoing to him and apologized several times over. After he accepted it and went into the house, I sat down and took a few more moments to pray to my Higher Power about another of my character defects that I was suddenly much more aware of now. And like I do with any other character defects that still emerge from me every now and then, I asked God to do what’s necessary within me to remove it and prevent the situation from ever happening again. A few minutes later, I felt a whole lot better and was actually extremely grateful for having been able to admit so readily that I was wrong. Not too long ago, I probably wouldn’t have done so.

The moral of my article today is relatively short and sweet. Don’t always be so sure that someone else is to blame for something that’s happened in your life, even when your ego is screaming at you that this is definitely the case. Frequently what can occur in those moments, like it did for me, is that a person doesn’t take the time to slow down and breathe deeply before making an accusation. Because the truth is, that it’s in those moments one chooses to slow down, where they can often wake up and realize their accusation is going to be a false one, as the only one to blame all along was just themselves.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Love Won’t Ever Come From Spitting Fire From Your Tongue…

Have you ever wished you could go back in time to prevent yourself from saying something that was said during the heat of a moment? In those situations, were the words that came out of your mouth downright nasty and unloving towards someone, maybe even towards someone you care about?

It’s so very easy to react to someone we love with a tongue that can spit fire when we’re at the height of an argument and our anger gets the best of us. I’m sure you’ve had at least one of those moments where your ego was feeling backed into a corner. It’s usually in those moments where the only thing to do seems to be the drawing of a dagger through extremely hurtful words where they’re aimed at this person’s heart. Everyone usually has at least one thing they could say in those heated moments that they know will stop the other person from cornering them, but yet they also know deep down it will truly hurt not only that person, but also themselves. In the long run, when the dust settles from that argument and those awful words have had some time to linger in the air, the damage is done and they can’t be taken back.

Some say that those words which are thrown like daggers in any heated argument are really the truth on how someone feels inside. Based upon my own experiences in life when I’ve said those kind of words that I’ve wished I could take back, I’d have to agree. A good example of this was with my ex partner. He and I had so many arguments while we owned and ran a bed and breakfast where the both of us found the deepest of ways to always wound each other with our words. The biggest dagger I always threw at him was about his financial instability as he had declared bankruptcy years earlier. When much of our business started to go belly up, I used that data from his past to blame him for what was happening, so sadly, this was my truth back then to how I felt inside about him. And usually, I had regret after each time I said it because I saw the pain in his eyes it caused. The truth was that my spiritual place in life was so low back then and I had no resistance to my ego’s process of lashing out.

The sad part about allowing one’s tongue, like my own once did, to spit fire is that sometimes it has such a damaging effect, that it can end a relationship for good with whoever they were directed at. Other times, while they might not permanently sever the connection with that loved one, they leave a scar behind that is often revisited down the road in another heated argument. With my ex partner and I, eventually there were so many scars that all we could see when we looked at each other was total ugliness and it was then that our relationship ended. But the unfortunate reality was that the true ugliness we were seeing in each other was actually within ourselves.

When words are spit with that fire from our tongues, where the only intention in saying them is to inflict major damage and wound someone else, it really shows just how ugly our insides have become. What comes out of our mouths is a great representation of what exists within us. When a person throws hate towards another during any heated conversation, it’s because they are filled with so much hate inside towards their own self. When I threw all those daggers day in and day out at my ex partner, I really hated myself. I hated who I had become. I hated what I was doing with my life. And I hated that I had become so unspiritual, unloving, and selfish. Thus, the words that flew out of my mouth in all those heated moments where really just a representation of all the hate that lived within me. And the more that I said them, the more I filled myself with hate. And the more I filled myself with hate, the more I became even more unspiritual, unloving, and selfish. It wasn’t until I met several more people down the road after that relationship who were filled with as much hate as I was, that I figured this out.

I went through several years of being close with those people who were great mirrors for myself. During those relationships, they threw out many hateful, spiteful, and damaging words in my direction and each landed with a gash to my heart and tears to my eyes only to get suppressed by my own hatred, anger, and rage. It was then that I began to see that no one wins when words like that are said. The person saying them loses out because they become filled with more and more hate as they say them. And the person receiving them loses out as well because they get wounded, then they start to despise those people saying them, which then turns into more hate from within.

The bottom line is that any dagger based words that are said in heated moments are only a reflection of the insides of the person saying them. They do nothing more than create more hate in this world both inside and around that person saying them. Unfortunately, there are no time machines that can take someone back a few minutes to prevent them from being said, but there is this thing called grace that my Higher Power helped me to develop which has helped in the total prevention of this behavior. Because of that, I’m no longer filled with hate inside nor do I have any desire to ever inflict again that kind of damage to any of the souls on this planet.

Maybe the next time when you are backed into a corner, you might try to take a moment, breathe, and ask your Higher Power for spiritual help in the situation. Realize that anything you are about to say in that heat of the moment could have potentially long lasting or permanent damage to a person who has a soul just like you. Whether they are someone you are close to or not shouldn’t matter. What does matter is that if you want this world to be filled with a lot more love and a lot less hate, then you can do your part by asking your Higher Power to guide you away from spitting that fire from your own tongue ever again.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

“In Every Case, Pain Had Been The Price of Admission Into A New Life…”

I always find it rather ironic when I go to a 12 Step meeting and find out that the material being read for the day is dealing with something I’m seriously struggling with. This very thing happened just a few days ago when I met up with two friends to attend a noon meeting I don’t regularly go to. It was a 12 Steps and 12 Traditions literature based meeting where I learned upon sitting down that the reading for the day was going to be in the middle of the chapter for Step 7. And within a few short paragraphs being read, I got to see a completely different perspective of this step and realized how much it applied to my current state of health.

If you have been reading any of my other articles, you’ll know by now that my current state of health is clearly not where I would like it to be. Each and every day, I have been enduring a tremendous amount of physical pain for several years now that doctors have been unable to diagnosis or provide any relief for. Some days are better than others, but on most, I am challenged to get through even the slightest of normal activities in life, like sitting through that 12&12 based meeting. But the irony in being at that meeting was in seeing how my state of health could be the direct result of the work I did surrounding Step 7 several years ago.

I guess it might help for those who aren’t in recovery from an addiction to point out now that Step 7 is defined in all 12 Step programs as “Humbly asking God to remove all our shortcomings.” And just over three years ago in March of 2010, I found myself on my knees asking my Higher Power for exactly this in my life. At that time, sex had become my master and my higher power, just like alcohol and drugs once had. My closest relationship was to a married man and although I knew what I was doing was unhealthy and wrong on so many levels with him, I couldn’t stop. But a day came during that month, when the mental and emotional anguish wasn’t being extinguished anymore by that substitute addiction or any of the others I got myself involved in either. It was then that I prayed to God in tears and humbly asked to have everything within me be removed that had driven me for so long to all of the addictions I had suffered from. Within a matter of weeks, the first of many different physically painful ailments began in my life. Since then, I have grown in humility as my ego has been completely shattered because of them. Unfortunately, while I haven’t acted out in any addiction for some time now, I’m still dealing with an extremely high level of physical pain. But it was one sentence that was read in Step 7 during the recovery meeting that day that helped me to look at this with a more positive attitude.

“In every case, pain had been the price of admission into a new life.”

And in my case, that seems to be holding true. The pain I have been going through since saying that prayer has brought me out of the depths of all of my toxic addictions, it has led me away from living in one shortcoming after another, and it has brought me so much closer than any other point in my life, to the God of my understanding.

Today, I’m convinced that all of this physical pain I endure daily is the release of all of the things within me that has continuously led to all of my shortcomings. I’ve even had at various times several doctors, practitioners, spiritual teachers, and friends back this theory up. While science and medicine hasn’t been able to explain most of body’s current challenged state of health, I rest my faith solely in God now that my 7th Step prayer is still being answered. I gladly welcome every bit of this pain if its the release of all of my shortcomings, and I know my humility is still being fine tuned through all of it. But best of all, I trust that these pains truly are the price of admission into the spiritual life I’ve always desired to live in. And that alone, makes experiencing them completely worth it.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson