The Drive Of Tim Tebow

There is a lot of love and hate being thrown around out there in this world for a man that most everyone seems to know of these days at least by name. His name is Tim Tebow and I happen to be one of those who admires the path he is on and the drive that he has.

I didn’t know much about Tim Tebow during all the years he played successfully for the University of Florida. I wasn’t even aware that he won the Heisman Trophy in 2007 and held many records in college football until just a few years ago. Honestly, I’ve never been much of a college football fan, thus that’s the reason why I never knew of Tim Tebow until he became starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos in the 2011-12 season. It was then that I watched him take that team into the playoffs using his style of playing that so many have put down.

I have lost count of the amount of critics out there that are avid NFL followers who keep stating that Tebow is garbage. They maintain that he can’t play pro football because of his throwing style and for various other reasons. Many in his home state profusely disagree and have tried to make the push to get him signed as quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars, who currently have only won a handful of games this very season. But at the present time, the Jaguars have not shown any interest in pursuing that push by Tebow fans.

What I admire most about Tebow in all of this is his faith in God and how he presents himself through all of the media and attention he receives, even when it’s putting him down consistently. When Tebow was traded from Denver to the Jets, he spent almost the entire next season with their team being benched as a 3rd string quarterback. The few times he did play, he didn’t have much success and everyone was quick to jump on the bandwagon about how he’s so terrible and not right for the NFL. But during that entire season he was on the Jets roster, Tebow never once criticized his team nor their coaching decisions. And even when the media would be in his face lambasting him, he remained humble and did something that few ever do who have that type of “star” power in this world. He kept his faith and eyes on God and didn’t react.

When the Jets released him at the end of their 2013 season, Tebow was considered by so many to have his days numbered in pro football. Most of his critics have continued to say since then that his game isn’t right for the NFL. Initially, the New England Patriots gave him a try though and placed him on their roster during the 2013 off season. Sadly, they ended up releasing him before their first season game. Others have also tried to court Tebow into playing for them including the LA Kiss of the Arena Football League and the Milano Seaman of the Italian Federation For American Football. But Tebow hasn’t shown interest yet into pursuing any of these other options that have been presented to him. Now there’s been talk of Tebow being a sports newscaster. At first that talk was on the NFL level and now it’s at the college level with it possibly being in his home state of Florida. Truthfully, I believe all of these things are just rumors and if I was to make a guess, I believe Tim Tebow is waiting on God for direction in his career.

Tim Tebow has never been shy about his faith in God. From kneeling on the field and praying, to wearing biblical slogans on his eye paint, Tebow has always shown who guides him. I truly admire that drive of his because I find that most stars who do have some type of faith are afraid to show it. When is the last time you’ve seen an actor or actress accept an Oscar or a Golden Globe and kneel on the stage and thank God for guiding them there? I honestly don’t know if it’s ever happened? Walking with God by faith is a personal relationship and I can see how Tebow has that with God. Each of us have our own relationship and communication with God and I truly don’t know what God is saying to Tebow. But I do believe that God has a plan for him that is going to affect many in this world for the better. Heck, it’s already affecting me on a positive level with the admiration I have for his faith.

It is my goal to one day be known more than I am and to give God all the thanks and credit for getting me there just like Tim Tebow has in his own life. I’m sure many have rolled their eyes to Tebow’s pro-Christian ways, but it’s the fact that he maintains his faith and does not react to his constant criticism that shows how much God is in control of his life and not his ego. That is an incredible spiritual quality to have and one I am working on within myself every single day. I’m glad that Tebow carries himself the way he does, especially in that you don’t ever see him putting anyone down, including his own career or his critics. His drive is to serve God and wait patiently for God’s direction as I know I have been doing lately myself.

Maybe Tebow isn’t meant to play in the NFL again, and maybe he is. Maybe God’s purpose now is to guide him to influence people just like me. And maybe it’s something altogether different. While I am not all-seeing or all-knowing, I do believe Tim Tebow’s drive to serve God is something that all of us in this world should follow. What he has done in his career is maintain his faith in something he believes in regardless of his many critics. In doing so, I can see how it continues to spread a lot more love and light on this planet, especially when so many are doing just the opposite these days. So if you should ever be reading this Tim, I just want to end this posting by saying thank you for keeping your faith, and for being an inspiration in my life…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

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