The Disease of Being Negative…

Have you ever noticed how being negative breeds only one thing, more negativity?!

Have you ever been around a negative person or a group of people long enough who were being so negative that you ended up becoming that way too?

Negativity is like a disease that spreads quite easily. I often compare being negative to that of drinking alcohol or taking illegal drugs while trying to get over the flu. I know that might sound like a drastic example to provide but there’s great truth to it. When a person has the flu, aren’t they normally advised to get bed rest and drink lots of clear fluids to help their body flush out their sickness? Would that happen if a person decides to consume alcohol or take illegal drugs while they are sick like that? Of course not. Doing either would only weaken their immune system, making it that much harder to fight off their flu. While I’m not sick right now with a diagnosed illness or disease, I am currently in the process of doing everything I can to heal my mind, body, and soul from all the toxic stuff I’ve done to them throughout this life and all previous lives. (Yes, I do believe in reincarnation, but more on that in a future posting.) Thus I know now that doing anything like drinking alcohol, taking illegal drugs, and even doing something like being habitually negative would jeopardize my healing process.

This is the main reason why I have been spending more time alone lately than not. Unfortunately though, it often seems as if there are a lot of negative people in this world who would rather focus on everything they perceive is going wrong in this world rather than on what actually might be going right. When I’ve spent time around any of those people, I have found myself becoming just like them. It may start out innocently with me joining in on a conversation that’s bashing someone or something in some way, but it always eventually leads to me looking at the rest of my life through a negative set of glasses. Ultimately, when I participate in that long enough, my life turns into one negative mess where I can’t see anything positively.

Doctors and scientists have proven that being positive leads to a healthier body. They’ve also proven that being negative can lead to further sickness in the body. I can’t handle anymore sickness in my body thus I am very cautions these days on who I spend time around. So when I happen to be around anyone these days who is becoming too negative, I always follow one of three paths.

I remain silent.


I try to change the topic.


I remove myself from the negative situation until it improves.

Some may feel that being negative with others feels good. It’s a common misbelief that can happen when people come together and find they share similar negative beliefs about things. Others may feel that being negative may feel good because it often invokes compassion and support from another. Then there’s those who may feel good being negative solely by themselves because they have found some level of comfort in being that way consistently. And while all of those people in each of those different situations may feel ok with being negative, all its doing in the long run is poisoning their bodies, their minds, and their souls. The healthiest thing though for each of them is to try to be as positive as possible in all things.

In my case, I have found it difficult to do at times lately because of the amount of physical pain I’ve been feeling. This has led me to occasionally veering off that path of positivity and spewing out a bunch of negativity instead. The down side of doing this has always been me feeling worse at some point later. While I don’t believe that it’s humanly possible to be perfectly positive all the time, I do believe that it’s important to strive for it as much as possible. For the moment, the best things I know I can do when it comes to my physical pain issues is to ignore my ego’s negative thoughts by telling myself I’m going to completely heal, and keeping myself away from negative people as much as possible.

The bottom line comes down to this with being negative. Whether it’s by myself or with others, it’s just not a healthy thing to do, especially given that I’m trying to heal so much of myself. Being negative works a lot like a disease and brings about nothing more than sickness, darkness and unspiritual-like behaviors. Thankfully, God is helping me to do what I can these days to remain positive, even in all the adversity I continue to go through. I encourage all of you to do the same and together I know we will all become so much brighter because of it.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

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