It’s Not “Devil-Stuff” As Much As It’s All About Our Intention…

I’m currently studying the mystic art of Tarot as I’ve always been fascinated by the subject. In fact, it’s my goal to become well versed enough within it so that I may be able to do Tarot readings for others or myself in the near future. Unfortunately, not everyone shares my enthusiasm about studying things such as this. Recently, several individuals in their own way said that they thought something like Tarot readings was “devil-stuff”. What they, and so many others in this world have yet to realize, is that it’s all about intention.

It’s probably best to provide a simple definition of the word “intention” at this point. Coming from, “intention” is defined as “The purpose or attitude toward the effect of one’s actions or conduct.”

No matter what I am doing these days, the purpose AND attitude of all my actions and conduct is to serve my Higher Power, whom I choose to call God. So whether I am praying, speaking, meditating, listening, or doing any of my other day-to-day activities, I seek God’s will on how to achieve my greatest highest good in life and how best to serve God.

I have learned that there are many ways to seek God’s will. Traditional Christians use prayer and the Bible as their sole source of communing with the Creator. But many of them also open their Bibles to random pages looking for divine guidance and inspiration on what they are going through. For something such as a Tarot reading, it’s really no different. In the book I’m using to study the subject, I have already done several exercises, which have called for me to use a deck of Tarot cards. Each time that I’ve performed those exercises, I have done no different than if I was opening up my own Bible randomly and seeking an answer from God. So prior to doing those Tarot exercises, I asked for only God’s will and guidance. The same principal holds true for me with another mystic art I learned years ago called Numerology. Any time I do one of those readings for an individual, I also pray to God and ask for only God’s will and guidance.

There are many other mystic arts that can be studied as well including runes, astrology, tea leaves, and more. While I haven’t learned any of them specifically yet, I know that if I did, I would still only be seeking God’s highest greatest good. I understand today that there are people out there who don’t practice these mystic arts for God’s highest greatest good though. Instead, they practice with dark intentions, motives, and with ill will towards others. What’s ironic is that I have met many Christians who have told me they sometimes have prayed for pain and hardship to come upon those they resent or hold anger towards. Doing that is no different than taking a deck of Tarot cards and seeking to get answers that would end up hurting someone else.

No matter what I do throughout my day, it really is all about my intention. I could wake up each day and live shrouded in darkness, doing one thing after another that keeps me in that dark. And man, I definitely did that for years while I lived in all my addictions. During those times I did pray for others in a negative way and I did do actions towards many that brought them pain. If I had done any readings during that time, my intention would probably have also been impure. I guess you could say that I was fostering a lot of “devil-stuff” during all those years, but thankfully, I have woken up and begun to seek my true Light.

Now I do the exact opposite in every facet of my life as I pray for love and light everywhere in everything I do. Thus if I do any readings or energy work with anyone, it’s always to help them grow closer to God’s love and light. And as for any of my physical actions these days, I only desire to promote, peace, love, happiness, and joy.

So if you are someone who thinks that things like Tarot readings, Astrology, Numerology, psychics, and more are just “devil-stuff”, please take a moment, breathe, and realize it really is all about intention. Seeking God’s will through using any one of them is no different than seeking God through prayer, the Bible, church, or anything else in this world. God is truly in EVERYTHING; all we need to do is just place our intention there no matter where we seek God…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

One thought on “It’s Not “Devil-Stuff” As Much As It’s All About Our Intention…”

  1. Andrew first and foremost thank you for you energy passion and time in writing this blog and sharing you life with others for the intention to help not only yourself but others seek God to guide their life. I have been inspired with your teachings in my life. I am in a space in my life to speak my truth and in doing that I ask for something from you if you are able, it is my want that when you read my response and it inspires you to send me an email sharing with me how it did. You have told me many time and thanked me either in person or over the phone and I appreciate that. The reason I ask for the email is for my need to have communication that I can read and re read for inspiration. In you message today brings back an experience in my life around astrology and tarot cards. The one and only time that a woman read my sign she told me that her belief was that these readings did not predict the future but as a tool from God to show you where your life has been and is today so you will be able to see where you life will be in the future. The future may be a good path for you and you will see that you are going in the correct direction for you, it also showed you the ways that you can do things different or change in your life so that the direction you is is not one you want to travel. To my amazement her reading was right on the story of my life and the future showed that my health was not good. I was able to see what I already knew about myself so this was a confirmation of my belief of the changes I needed to make in my life. The health issue was not specific but 2 years later I had a major mental breakdown which was a result of all the issues of my life up to that point. About 2 years ago at a mens gathering there was a man with the tarot cards and he explaind that the cards or him neither had any special powers but that the cards fit your life as I would see them from the story of my life. He was suprized with the reading in that is showed all the cards that explained my past life and when the cards for the future came up the showed great thing for me. He said the it showed the great changes I have made in my life because he had never seen the past cards and future cards show such a change in ones life and he stated how much passion and work I have put into my life. I believe that all of these things have a purpose and the part that is the most work is waiting on God and being patient. The Kings of all time have used readers and priest for direction and when they did not get the answer soon enough they blamed the seers or God for their demise. My prayer is that we may be patient and wait upon God and in doing so let us look for the joy and blessing in what we have and where we are in our life.

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