Some Much Needed Easter Gratitude!

Today is Easter Sunday, a day that’s meant to be a celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, except I really haven’t been feeling much like celebrating anything since I awoke early this morning. I guess you could say that’s been due to a combination of my health issues, no one calling to wish me a Happy Easter, no invites to any holiday parties, and the fact that my partner was asked to work the entire day. In all honesty, all of this has led to me not having the most positive of thoughts throughout the day so far, which is precisely why I decided a spontaneous blog entry in Easter gratitude might be best to counteract the gloominess I’ve been feeling. So here are 11 things I’m truly grateful to God for on this Easter Sunday:

God I am Grateful to You for having a roof over my head and food to eat this Easter. 

God I am Grateful to You for my partner choosing to work this Easter because I know it’s helping to support my inability to work at the present time. 

God I am Grateful to You for still having many good memories of childhood Easter egg hunts and family get-togethers.

God I am Grateful to You for all the Easter surprises my partner had for me this year.

God I am Grateful to You for having two eyes to see the sun shining on this Easter.

God I am Grateful to You for the company and purring of my cat Driggs this Easter.

God I am Grateful to You for clearing my schedule this Easter so that I could focus more on my health and healing. 

God I am Grateful to You for all those in the world and beyond this world who prayed for me on this Easter.

God I am Grateful to You for all those who end up reading this Easter blog entry and for all those who continue to support my writing.

God I am Grateful to You for how much healthier my actions have become in life, compared to the ones I made on plenty of past Easter Sundays.

God I am Grateful to You for the love of Christ this Easter, for understanding what that means now more than ever, and for my desire to embrace everyone these days unconditionally. 

Happy Easter everyone! And may you be filled with the absolute, unconditional love of Christ in every aspect of your life…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

3 thoughts on “Some Much Needed Easter Gratitude!”

  1. Glad you were able to find some gratitude today. Been sick all day. Watching the Wizard of Oz to cheer up.

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