To My Partner Chris…

Many of us have boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, husbands, and wives in this world. But how often we forget what it was like in the beginning of our relationships, when we looked at them as the most priceless thing in the world. Back then didn’t most of us frequently tell our significant other how special they were? How easily that tends to change as time moves forward. I myself was quite guilty of this in every single one of my prior relationships, which is why I do my best nowadays to show my partner how unique and special he is on a daily basis. This is precisely why I’ve dedicated today’s entry to my partner Chris.

I know there has been ups and downs between us Chris over the past three years, like there always seems to be in any intimate relationship. Yet you have done such a magnificent job at navigating through them all, constantly taking a hard look at yourself and seeing where you can spiritually grow, as well as being patient upon me when I’ve been overly difficult to deal with.

I’m also so proud of you for the work you’ve done in your recovery, having achieved goals far beyond what you originally set for yourself. I’ve been amazed too by your dedication to getting your degree in Environmental Health and Safety. You have spent countless hours striving for an almost straight “A” average and will soon be graduating just over a month from now. Beyond that, you continue to excel in your job at First Solar, constantly going above and beyond the call of duty. I’m so happy that they have in turn given you the praise and recognition you more than deserve from your work there.

Back at home you’ve continued to support me through the many health issues I’ve been facing, never once criticizing me for not having a regularly paying job myself. You have no idea how much that’s meant to me, as it truly has been an act of unconditional love in itself and greatly reduced my stress level in life to help me heal.

Chris I want you to truly know how important your laughter and smile has been for me as well. It’s continued to uplift me time and time again, especially in those pain-filled moments when I’ve so needed it. You’ve also created and shared with me so beautifully your home, your heart, and your love overall. So I’m so grateful to my Higher Power for each of those things and for bringing you into my life. I wouldn’t be as far along on my spiritual quest to grow closer to God, if it wasn’t for you.

I love you Chris, maybe more than words could ever do me justice. Please know that, especially when I may fall short of telling you this at times. Because when I haven’t been living up to my greatest, highest good, when you’ve been on the verbal receiving end of some of my frustrations in life, my heart has weighted so heavily afterwards, on how I could treat you that way given all you’ve done for me since day one.

You really have spiritually grown so much Chris, probably more than you even know, and I want the whole world to know just how proud I am of you for that. Thank you for being such a huge part my life and thank You God for the gift of Chris, for to me, he’s truly priceless…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

One thought on “To My Partner Chris…”

  1. Andrew,

    Thank you for those kind words. I know how thankful you are and I am too. You are my rock and your continued encouragement and support have helped me stay on a path to a healthy and better life. I too have days when I struggle and you are there to prop me up and keep me going. I am so glad you joined me and are delighted to share my home, my life, and my love with you ALWAYS!

    I Love You, Sparky!

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