Just over a week ago a rare celestial event took place right here on Earth. There was a blood supermoon and an eclipse, all in one fall evening. According to what I read online, the last time an event of this magnitude took place was in 1982, with the next not being until 2033. I was extremely grateful to have witnessed this rare event firsthand, but I must say that it wasn’t all the long ago where I probably couldn’t have cared less.
You see, having once succumbed to such an addiction-laden life, when any of God’s magnificence was taking place up vin the sky, I was always more concerned about getting drunk or high, or spending it in a casino, or scouring the web for porn, or chatting with someone sexually on the Internet, or chasing after some individual who I was totally consumed with.
The fact is, I missed out on so many things like this supermoon eclipse because I constantly was seeking out highs that hit me much harder and faster than what I thought any event in the sky could give me. But now that I’m several years beyond living in any addiction, I find myself having a much greater appreciation for the simpler highs in life such as this celestial event. This is why I made sure to be firmly seated outside on the night this was all taking place. And while the clouds did spoil a little of the beauty that evening I was thankful nonetheless to have seen any of it.
So essentially, the only reason why I’m writing today’s entry is simply because I just feel an immense amount of gratitude for having seen much of this rare supermoon eclipse event. I used to miss out on so many of God’s wonders like this not too long ago due to any number of former addictions, but thankfully that’s no longer the case, and I’m definitely so very grateful for that…
Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson