My Struggles To Find Acceptance Here In The Midwest…

Four years ago, in early August of 2014, I wrote an article about how much I loved the area I had just moved to here in the Midwest. It didn’t take long after that though for my opinion to change, as these days, I struggle to find acceptance here, mostly because of the constant rejections, criticisms, and judgments I continue to face.

While I have lived in many places throughout my life and made many friends and acquaintances in each of those areas quite easily, life has been overwhelmingly difficult in that department for me here in the Midwest.

For whatever the reason, I have been a magnet for people to dump their projections on me. I’ve been told I don’t try hard enough to make friends and yet I’ve also been told just as much that I try too hard to make friends. I’ve been told I’m too intense and yet I’ve also been told I’m a little too boring. I’ve been told I act better than everyone else and yet I’ve also been I don’t act confident enough. I’ve been told I’m too personal and yet I’ve also been told I’m not personal enough. I’ve been told I can’t be trusted and also been told I’m too trustworthy. The list goes on and thus, I’m sure you can see the dilemma I’ve faced.

So many people have had such strong opinions of me in this area, all differing from each other. That’s uniquely different though from how easily I was able to make friends and blend in all my former places of living. I was reminded of that when I visited my best friend in Massachusetts recently. There, people I hadn’t seen in a long time made sure to take the time to come out and see me, while others I met for the first time on that trip, wished I would return to their community so they could draw closer to me. All in all, I generally felt more embraced and connected during my seven days there, as compared to the last four years here.

For whatever the reason, I’m just not well liked here and that’s become overly apparent not just to me, but also my partner. He has seen me try over and over and over again to make friends and witnessed me work diligently on trying to become an unconditionally loving, non-judgmental, and fully accepting person. But, in the process, still seen far too many people viciously attack me, talk behind my back, avoid me like the plague, and treat me like I was one of the worst people that could have ever come to live in this area.

The number of rejections, criticisms, and judgments I’ve received here from his family, from the recovery community, and from other social circles I’ve tried to be a part, have been staggering. Yet, I never faced anything quite like this when I lived in Massachusetts, in the Washington D.C. area, in the Eastern Shore of Virginia, or in New York, each being the places I formerly called home.

So, what’s different?

Besides the fact that all those other places were on the East Coast, the only other things that have changed dramatically are how focused I am on my recovery now, how dedicated I am on growing my relationship with God, and how much I seek to rid myself of all low vibrational behaviors. Yet, if any of those things were truly placing me in a position to be rejected, criticized, or judged, wouldn’t it have followed me back to Massachusetts when I visited there a few weeks ago? They say you are wherever you go. Yet, for the week I spent back in Massachusetts, I was overly loved, embraced, and accepted, three things I miss incredibly here in the Midwest.

In all honesty, I haven’t felt like I can be myself here, as being myself has only led to alienation with far too many people. I don’t know what it is about me that creates such polarization here, but I’ve come to the acceptance that my personality and make-up just doesn’t work that well in the Midwest. Regardless, I know I’ve done my best and am inclined to believe that maybe I’m just meant to spend more time alone here than with others.

Maybe that’s why God brought me here to the Midwest, to an area where I was always meant to spend more time in solitude, reflecting on my life, connecting more with Him, and learning to be ok with me just as I am, even when much of the rest of the world here has seemingly not been totally loving accepting of me.

While it has hurt immensely to be rejected, criticized, and judged as much as I have here, to have been unfriended and blocked on social media as many times as I have here too, and to have been left off of a number of party invitations and get-togethers here as well, I believe there is one who has never treated me like this whatsoever and that’s God. That’s because I believe God loves me just as I am and sees how hard I’ve tried to become a healthier individual, a more loving person, and a more caring being of Light.

So, in the end really, while I’ve struggled to find acceptance here in the Midwest, and faced as much opposition as I have for whatever the reasons, when it comes down to it, I think the only acceptance I truly need is from God. And when push comes to shove, maybe that’s all that truly matters anyway…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Thought For The Day

Quote #1

“You practice forgiveness for two reasons: To let others know that you no longer wish to be in a state of hostility with them and to free yourself from the self-defeating energy of resentment. Send love in some form to those you feel have wronged you and notice how much better you feel.” (Wayne Dyer)

Quote #2

“Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past, and is therefore the means for correcting misperceptions.” (Gerald Jampolsky)

Quote #3

“The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” (Marianne Williamson)

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Grateful Heart Monday

Welcome to Grateful Heart Monday, where I start the week off writing about a special piece of gratitude from my life, which for today is for something that occurred last Monday evening at a ManKind Project (MKP) group I once was a regular attendee of.

I think it might be good to start off with a very quick explanation of what MKP actually is, especially if you’ve never heard of it before. In short, it’s a men’s spiritual organization that was founded on the principles of helping men learn to lead lives of integrity, authenticity, and service. Within MKP, after a man embarks upon an initial weekend, known as the New Warrior Training, he usually joins what’s known as an Igroup, which essentially is a circle of men who regularly meet and use the processes from their initial weekend to guide and assist them in healing any of their wounds endured from life.

With that being said, I’ve been a member of MKP since 1999 and have been part of various MKP groups that have met weekly or bi-weekly in the Washington D.C., Boston, and now Detroit/Toledo areas. Currently, the group I regularly attend is one I helped to start in the Toledo area in the past six months or so. But, before I did, the MKP group I was a member of actually resided in Ann Arbor and met on Monday nights near the University of Michigan.

There, I grew quite close to a number of men from that group, each of whom helped me to accomplish much on my spiritual journey during the course of almost two years of time. Unfortunately, I became at odds with a few of those men during the summer of 2017 over the way some of the processes were being run and abruptly left the group, along with a few others, early that fall because of it, solely to start a new group much closer to home.

Regrettably, my abrupt departure from that group though wasn’t what MKP stood for and actually put me out of integrity with both myself and them. You see, when one leaves an MKP group for whatever their reason, they always attend one final meeting to officially check out, giving others in the group a chance to process their departure and to also officially close the door in a clean fashion.

It took me almost 10 months to find the courage to return to that group for one more meeting in the hopes that I could cleanly check out, get back in integrity, and provide some healing for men who had been affected by my hasty action. And last Monday night was when that took place.

At first, it didn’t necessarily go as I had hoped. The two men I had been most at odds with last summer appeared to be even angrier with me and said my presence there was only creating more disruption for the group. When the two of them opted to not stay that evening for the meeting because of me being there, I felt an incredible sense of shame at how things might have been different if I had just stuck around a little longer last summer and used the MKP processes to work through the issues I had with the group.

Nevertheless, for the nine men who remained, there was quite an amount of unrest after that. Some suggested cancelling the meeting that evening, while others said I should do my check out and head home. Thankfully though, when I offered to do an amends and work through my out-of-integrity actions, they all chose to stay and hear me out.

Over the course of the hour that followed, I utilized processes that I’ve only found exist in the MKP realm to get back into integrity. Through them, the nine men there were able to accept my amends and in turn, help me through a piece of spiritual work that left me feeling supported, loved, and embraced, which is precisely the gratitude I have to start this week off with.

These men could have easily asked me to leave, or opted to leave themselves and not have a meeting at all that night, but they each remained and did their own spiritual work to forgive me for my hasty action that had left things in their group in a slight state of chaos last Fall.

Having nine brothers warmly embrace me in my tears, and honor me for walking through my fears to get back into integrity with them, was such a huge blessing. And while I’m saddened that the two men I was most at odds with have chosen to not forgive me at this time, I remain hopeful that one day they will. Until then though, I still have an incredible amount of gratitude for the brothers of this Ann Arbor MKP group for choosing to look beyond any judgments they may have had of me and see me instead as not only their brother, but also their friend…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson