A Merry Christmas Reflection To All For 2017…

Merry Christmas to all! I wanted to send out this short reflection today because in all truthfulness, I know this day can often be a very difficult one for so many people.

While I’m sure there are those out there who will be celebrating with loved ones and basking in all that Christmas cheer and joy today, my heart is actually reflecting on all those who may be in hospitals sick and ailing, all those who may be going through debilitating pain, depression, anxiety and the like, all those who may be living on the streets looking for a place to keep warm, all those who may be lonely in their homes with no family or anyone close to be with, all those who may have lost someone they were close to and having to go through their first or second Christmas without them, all those who may be suffering from addictions trying to stay numb from a painful life, all those who may have not had any money to buy gifts this year for those they cared about, all those who may be living in homes where they are being abused even at this very moment, and all those who may be dealing with something else that’s making it quite challenging to even smile today.

It’s all of these individuals I’m thinking of this Christmas and am praying for as well. Praying that somehow God may guide at least one person into their lives today to let them know they are loved. Because on a day that is meant to be joyful and uplifting, but often isn’t for far too many, feeling loved is the very thing that is more than needed in each of their lives.

So, if you are someone who is having a great Christmas Day thus far, I merely ask you to take a small pause, and put out a simple prayer or two or send out some positive energy for those who may be far less fortunate than you, who won’t be experiencing much of that Christmas bliss, if any at all today. And also try to remember that for any gift you receive today that happens to not be something you really wanted, think about those who won’t be getting any gifts whatsoever today and think of the person who gave the gift to you as well that was probably from their heart. As maybe then through those prayers and positive energy you send to those less fortunate and remaining grateful for all of what you receive, you will get in touch with the true spirit of Christmas, that being to share in unconditional love with each other…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Thought For The Day

“We gain the strength of the temptation we resist.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson) AND

“We’ll never overcome temptation by relying on our own strength.” (Stephen Chappell)


“There’s one reason why you should walk away from whatever temptation you’re facing right now: GOD IS BETTER.” (Francis Chan)

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Temptation Always Seems To Strike A Recovering Addict When They Are At Their Most Vulnerable…

Temptation always seems to strike a recovering addict when they are at their most vulnerable. How “the most vulnerable” translates for the recovering addict is different for every individual. In my case, it’s never when I’m having a great day and feeling confident in my recovery program, in other words, when everything feels like it’s going my way. Because on those types of days, I never feel the urge to act out with any of my former addictions. I can’t say that’s true though when I feel like everything is crashing down around me and the world appears to be against me and doesn’t like me much. Ironically, this is precisely how I felt one day just recently and sure enough the biggest temptation I could face came knocking on my door that very same day.

On a day that began no different than any other, it quickly progressed into one where a number of people in a row contacted me through various means and proceeded to let me know how I was a problem in their life and causing them more strife than anything else. In each case, I felt like I had to change to make them feel better, which in turn made me feel unloved and unaccepted.

Thus, as my character continued to be brought into question a number of times on this day, I became more and more defensive, depressed, and sad. And just as I was beginning to think that I was terrible person living in a world where everyone hated me, I suddenly received several communication requests from the very person who I had spent the most time with when I was deep into a sex and love addiction. I hadn’t heard from them in years and now quite abruptly, in my weakest state, here I was.

For a moment, I actually considered responding and entertained the thought that they would definitely appreciate me far more than everyone else had that day, and would probably tell me how much they missed me, seeing that’s what happened every single time I used to open that door to them in the past. But thankfully, I knew better because of all the hard work I’ve done in recovery and because of my connection with my Higher Power, that being God. I also know how Darkness likes to operate, always trying to hit me up with temptation when I’m feeling overly weak. That’s why I smiled instead and ignored this former acting out partner’s requests to connect with me and not too long after, met with my therapist and contacted my sponsor, which gratefully, helped me to feel a whole lot better.

Nevertheless, my point is this. Temptation always seems to strike a recovering addict when they are at their most vulnerable, which for me has consistently been when I feel like the world is totally against me. But in your case, it could be something altogether different. So just remember that whenever and however temptation does come your way in the future, that your recovery program and your Higher Power can and will help you rise above it.

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson