The Varying Percentages Of The Third Step

Yesterday I spoke in general about the 12 Steps and how they can be very invaluable for someone trying to find healing from various addictions, compulsive behaviors, and mental health issues. But today I would like to talk about one of them specifically that I believe is the cornerstone to living a much happier life and that’s the 3rd Step. As originally laid out by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith, the 3rd Step was written as:

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him.

Earlier this year I wrote about this very step expressing something quite similar, but I wanted to revisit a point I had made within it. The level of success that one has when using the 12 Step method is directly proportional to the percentage of how much of their will and their lives are turned over to the care of God. Saying that statement right now makes complete sense to me, but years ago, it didn’t make much sense to me at all. That’s only because I was living back then with a tremendous about of self-will and thought I could run my life just fine without too much of God’s help.

Let me explain this in a much simpler way.

During the years I was actively drinking and drugging, I rarely turned over any percentage of my will and life to God. That meant that I lived almost 100 percent of the time by self-will.

In the first twelve years of my sobriety from alcohol and drugs when I was mostly a dry drunk, the best I ever gave God was probably no more than 20 percent. That meant that I lived almost 80 percent of the time by self-will.

When I finally began pursuing the 12 Step method of recovery, the most I initially offered God was maybe 60 percent. That meant that I lived almost 40 percent of the time by self-will.

Eventually, I got tired of being in pain and decided I’d give it a whirl to give God 100 percent of myself. That meant that I started trying to live 0 percent of the time by self-will.

What’s interesting to note is that until I gave God 100 percent, I kept creating a considerable amount of drama in my life. And I started noticing that all of my drama I was creating was generating all of that pain I was feeling. But since I starting giving God 100 percent, the only drama in my life has been coming from people around me still creating their own and my levels of pain have become much less.

While I know I’ve been talking about all of this in terms of percentages, let me explain what I mean by using my real-life situations. I knew when I was drinking and drugging excessively that it was unhealthy for me. But I kept on doing it anyway. I knew when I was driving under the influence of either, that it was probably not the best thing for me to be doing. But I kept on doing that anyway too. I knew when I got sober from both that I needed to follow the 12 Steps and attend meetings regularly but I didn’t do either and ended up falling into other addictions and unhealthy relationships. I knew when I began the 12 Steps that I needed to end connections with those who didn’t want recovery. But I kept hanging on to those toxic people doing toxic behaviors anyway and experienced a lot of depression and anxiety because of it. In each of these things, I made the decision to retain large portions of my will and life instead of letting God guide me through them. And I remained very sick because of it.

I don’t feel so sick anymore nor do I experience those crazy highs and lows like I once used to. I believe that’s only because I start each day now turning over my entire will and life to God. I continue that throughout the day and stop to pray if I find I am drifting away from that. And I end each day thanking God for guiding my entire life. It’s really that simple and so far, it appears to have changed my life completely for the better. I listen to that small voice inside my spirit now instead of following my ego’s desires and the results are a thousand times better than what I used to experience in every facet of my life.

Turning my entire will and life over to the care of God was not an easy thing to do especially when I had lived most it not doing that fully. At first I had to give up a lot of things that I thought I needed in my life and my ego complained incredibly when it lost each of them. But I have found the more I let those things go, the more it became easier to live this way and follow all of the 12 steps. I am now able to dedicate 100 percent of myself to each of them and am finding the quality of not only my recovery work but also my life are improving greatly day by day.

Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith never did say in that 3rd Step that a person had to make a decision to turn over 100 percent of their will and life to God, but I really wish they had. I have found that it is the key to living a much happier life. They instead left that it for each person to discover for themselves, but maybe that’s a good thing. Because I learned a very important lesson each time I gave varying percentages of my will and life to God and that 3rd step. And that was seeing how each percentage I kept for myself was directly related to the misery I manifested time and time again. Thankfully, I’ve learned this lesson and now give 100 percent of myself to both God and that 3rd Step. I know my life has greatly improved because of this and it’s my hope others following the 12 Steps will start doing the same…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

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