Dream Big From The Heart, But Not From The Ego

Have you ever dreamed so big that you wondered whether it might be too lofty and impossible to obtain? I have, but I also believe in that age-old saying, “If you build it, they will come.” The only difficulty I’ve had in continuing to believe that though deals with how my ego keeps getting in the way, but more on that in a bit.

It’s definitely true that my dream is pretty big and it’s something I’ve been slowly working on for the past 18 months. That dream is to eventually have millions of people following and healing from my words I write daily in this spiritual blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com. Whether that ever happens or not is truly up to God, as I know the most I can do is what I’m already doing, and that’s to keep on writing.

Writing is without a doubt one of my greatest passions in life right now. I consistently feel so much better after composing any one of these articles. It makes me feel like I’m actually accomplishing something in life, especially at the moment, because it’s really the only job I have. And although this job is not paying me financially in any way, I continue to do it solely for my love of writing and for my dream with it.

I’ve always been told to dream big because doing so acts can act as a motivational tool. In my case, it certainly has. Writing each and every day for the past year and half has definitely pushed me beyond my limits and motivated me on a daily basis. What began as just a homework assignment to journal a few of my spiritual walks in life has turned into something so much larger, one I’m still unsure of where’s it fully heading.

Quite often I find myself getting frustrated though at the fact the statistics on my blog are showing very little traffic. My spiritual teacher consistently has to remind me that while it’s good to have my dream, my focus should be on continuing to write from my heart and not for my ego.

She’s right you know. Every time my frustration has arisen, it’s always been related to my ego wanting to be recognized for all the hard work I’ve been putting into this blog. But why do I need to be recognized? The fact is I don’t. I didn’t begin this blog for that reason and I haven’t written hundreds of thousands of words just to become someone important in this world. I’ve written all of them because it’s been helping me to heal from a life of spiritual sickness. While I don’t believe it’s being egotistical to have the dream I do, writing for that reason alone positively would be.

So do I still hope for my dream to come true one day with this spiritual blog having many more followers. Absolutely. But I know the only thing I’m meant to do right now is to keep building it one article at a time and for each of my words to come from my heart and not the ego. As only then do I believe I’m staying on the spiritual journey I’m meant to be on, which is the one where God can work is His mysterious ways to make big dreams like mine one day come true…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

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