Thought For The Day

Quote #1

“Do not resist your pain. Surrender to the grief, despair, loneliness, or whatever the form suffering takes. Witness it without labeling it mentally. Allow it to be there. Embrace it. Then see how the miracle of surrendering transmutes deep suffering into deep peace.” (Eckhart Tolle)

Quote #2

“You are your own teacher. Looking for teachers can’t solve your own doubts. Investigate yourself to find the truth – inside, not outside. Knowing yourself is the most important.” (Ajahn Chah)

Quote #3

“No one can make you ‘spiritual’ or ‘enlightened.’ The greatest teacher is your own Soul.” (Unknown)

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Grateful Heart Monday

Welcome to another Grateful Heart Monday, the day I write about one piece of gratitude from my life to start my week off with, which for today is for a beautiful spiritual teacher who I know likes to remain anonymous, so I will refer to her as “M”.

Well over a decade ago now, I was initially brought into the life of “M”, a gifted Native American Shaman, when I became aware that I had some dark energy attached to me that I couldn’t seem to shake on my own. “M” helped to fully remove that energy from me and also provided some great spiritual guidance to assist me in moving forward on my spiritual journey. Unfortunately, I wasn’t totally ready for her help and instead, I chose to move backwards and descended deeper into low vibrational behaviors, i.e. addictions.

Over the next seven years that were to follow, “M” never gave up on me and told me she was always just a phone call away if I was to ever need any help. And she was, as anytime I was in what I like to call a crisis mode, I’d contact her for some sort of support. And anytime we connected, I received just that. On some level, she became the mother I never had, an incredible nurturer who knew exactly what to say to help me out of my doldrums.

Thankfully, in the spring of 2012, I finally became 100% willing to move out of all the low vibrational energies and addictions I had been keeping myself imprisoned in for so long and asked her if she’d be open to becoming my full-time spiritual teacher. I was more than grateful when she said she would and it was from that point forward that the biggest spiritual shift in my life would begin. From then on, “M” never charged me a single dime for any of her help, EVER! And the gratitude I have for the many ways she provided all that free help is countless.

Here are just some of those ways that I have a deep level of gratitude every time I think of “M”:

  1. During the first two years, “M” made herself available three times a week for check-in phone calls that lasted anywhere from 1 to 2 hours of time. And during the second two years, as I spiritually grew, we still spoke at least two times a week for similar lengths.
  2. “M” did routine energy work on me to help clear the many energy imbalances I had within during our time together.
  3. “M” sent me a number of holistic remedies to provide healing for various ailments that arose during our time together.
  4. On one occasion, “M” travelled several hundred miles just to see me and spend an evening where we had dinner and where she did some hands-on healing work to clear some of the blockages I had at the time.
  5. During another trip where her only purpose was to help an ailing member of her family, “M” still took time out of her busy schedule to meet with me and do some hands-on healing work.
  6. Whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on and was facing any of my terrible days of pain and anguish, “M” was always there to provide me reassurance and comfort.
  7. “M” taught me to see the good in me when I couldn’t see it for myself and also helped me to learn how to nurture myself.
  8. “M” always seemed to know just where I needed to place the bulk of my spiritual work in and had the insight to guide me in the right direction time and time again.
  9. “M” even provided help to my sister and my partner when they were in need of some specific guidance.
  10. And most importantly, “M” never gave up on me, even when so many others did and even when I wanted to as well.

These are just some of the many reasons why I have to be grateful for “M”. Two years ago, though, my work with “M” moved in a new direction and was one that my ego wasn’t ready to face. She asked me to become my own spiritual teacher and to learn how to balance my own medicine wheel. In other words, it was time for mother bird to push her fledging out of the nest. And while initially, I begged and pleaded with her to reconsider this change, I realized as the months would pass without our direct contact, that it was exactly what was needed because I had become codependent on her to heal me.

Two years later, I am presently standing on my two feet now, being supported as best as can be with the guidance of my Higher Power. It’s difficult, believe me, more than I would like to admit on far too many of days. There are plenty of moments where I truly miss “M” and her friendship, her guidance, her love, her comfort, and her reassurance. But, I know that I must finish this on my own, with the aid of my Higher Guidance and my Inner Guidance and when this chapter is complete, I’m confident the Universe will bring us back together in some way.

For now, though, I am more than grateful, exceptionally grateful at that, for all the lessons, unconditional love, and acts of kindness that “M” brought into my life, as each have helped me to become who I am rapidly becoming, more and more with each passing day. I know the Universe brought “M” into my life for four solid years to be an exceptional spiritual teacher and guide, solely to propel me to become one day the teacher I believe I’m meant to become.

So, thank you “M” for all that you’ve done and for all that you continue to do, I’m truly grateful.

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson