Mantra For The Day – For Building Faith And Trust In Yourself

Building faith and trust in a Higher Power is an important thing to do, especially for someone like me who is in recovery from various addictions. But I’ve learned it’s also just as important to build faith and trust in myself given all the years of neglect and self-abuse I put myself through. It was a common thing for me to put myself down and doubt any of the decisions I made in life and even my own body’s natural ability to heal. Because of this I would go to friends, doctors, ministers, and many others and place my faith and trust into them, and often they would let me down. I never realized how much this was completely hindering my own spiritual growth. Today, I am using a daily mantra to correct this and it’s helping me to have a lot more faith and trust in myself and in the life I’m living with my Higher Power. If you are someone who struggles with having faith and trust in yourself, then I encourage you to utilize this mantra for a while as I know it will help to change that.

“I walk forward in faith and trust, and have acceptance that all that’s happening to me is in my greatest highest good.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson