The Singing And Dancing Sign Holders

Have you ever wondered why anyone would do a job where the only duty is to sit on the edge of a street, holding a sign, and doing some type of singing and dancing to get your attention? If you have, then you’ve been in the same boat as me, except I’ve come to a better place of understanding with it these days.

If you live near any type of city, small or large, then you’ve probably witnessed at least some version of them. Most notably present in any of those cities are the Liberty Mutual workers who come out in droves as the tax season begins. One usually seems them wearing a Lady Liberty costume in front of those tax-filing stores doing one rhythmic gesture after another to beckon you to stop in. For the longest time I judged those people and thought how inane they were. But recently, I have been working on removing all the judgments from my life so that I may be a stronger spiritual person and this led me to look at these sign holders in a more positive light.

The first thought I had was that maybe they can’t perform any other type of job because of their education, a criminal record, or some type of learning disability? I happened to be one of those who got a decent education and was able to graduate from college. I’m also someone who doesn’t have any type of criminal record and I don’t have a learning disability either. But there are plenty of people in this world who have any one of these things and many end up being unable to find work except for in jobs such as this.

A second thought I had was that maybe it’s a requirement of those employed at that business to start out in that sign holder position before they can do anything else? Or quite possibly, it could be a requirement for employees to take a turn holding that position throughout their shift? Either way, I’ve worked at many places of employment throughout the years where my job duty included something I didn’t like doing, but it was a requirement nonetheless.

The last thought I had surrounding those happy sign holding gyrators is the one that makes me smile the most though. Maybe the reason why they are in that type of a position is totally due to the fact that they really just like that job and are that happy in life? The truth is that I’m sure there are those out there who would wonder why I am doing this blog writing job each and every day. The idea of them sitting at a computer desk, day after day, writing spiritually-centered blog entries about their life for the world to see, and not getting paid a single cent for it, doesn’t seem too appealing. It does for me though and it makes me very happy. It’s actually one of the things I enjoy doing the most these days. That’s only because deep down inside it’s the one way I’m trying to make this world a more joyful and positive place to be in. And maybe that’s what all those singing and dancing sign holders are trying to do as well.

So the next time I see any one of them at a street corner smiling and bobbing up and down, I’m not going to judge them anymore. Maybe they’re there because of some limitation in their life. Or maybe they’re there because they’re required to be there. But if neither one of those are true, then maybe they’re there because they really just want to be there, doing a job that makes them truly happy, as my writing always does for me…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson