Signs Of The Exact Opposite of A Spiritual Awakening

Recently I wrote an entry about the signs to look for within oneself when in the midst of a spiritual awakening. Unfortunately, I forgot to mention something in it that’s equally as important and that’s the signs to look for when one is moving in the exact opposite direction of having one of those spiritual awakenings.

While I may be currently undergoing one of the longest spiritual awakenings in my life so far, it wasn’t that long ago when I was doing a total reversal of that. Rather than go into any great detail about that slippery slope I used to be on, I felt it would be better to do something else instead. So I decided to make the following list of just some of the many examples of when I once was heading more on a path of unspirituality than of actually experiencing a spiritual awakening.

  1. Demonstrating aggression and road rage such as cutting a car off, yelling obscenities at a driver, or trying to show someone how bad I think their driving skills are.
  2. Trash talking and/or gossiping about anyone, anywhere, and at any time.
  3. Trying to control everyone and everything around me such as changing the temperature in a meeting room just to suit my own comfort level.
  4. Giving guilt trips and manipulating my closest friends into doing what I want.
  5. Doing good-natured actions for someone but with a hidden agenda.
  6. Looking at any type of pornographic material on a regular basis.
  7. Having one-night stands or “friends with benefits”.
  8. Overindulging in various foods to the point of feeling uncomfortably stuffed.
  9. Consuming daily large quantities of caffeinated beverages.
  10. Spending more and more money on things I don’t really need.
  11. Swearing and being more negative than not when I talk.
  12. Making judgments of people for their actions more than not.
  13. Steering most of the conversations I have with anyone towards the sexual realm.
  14. Feeling regularly shameful or dirty inside about the way I’m living.
  15. Becoming overly dependent (or codependent) on a friend.
  16. Skipping regular bathing habits and/or routine household chores.
  17. Avoiding being financially responsible with monthly bills.

I know I could on and on with many more examples of whenever I’ve headed into one of these spiritual lulls in life, but I think these are unquestionably the ones I’ve done the most of when that’s happened. I’m sure each of you could probably list your own instances though of when this has happened to you, and hopefully this article may lead you to write some of them down. Having my own list here in front of me has definitely been a great reminder and a good gauge to show me that I’m still on the path of having a spiritual awakening. I’m so grateful I’m no longer going in the exact opposite direction of having one of those and it’s my hope that all of you may create your own list that will say the same for you too…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

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