Maintaining Balance In Recovery

Trying to maintain balance in life while in recovery from an addiction can often prove to be very difficult, especially given that most never had any balance whatsoever when acting out in that very same addiction. While there are definitely multitudes of ways to establish that balance, the one I have found to work the best is to maintain my spiritual balance.

What I mean by maintaining my spiritual balance is doing the work necessary to remain in conscious contact with my Higher Power on a daily basis. You see, when I was active in any of my former addictions, I rarely remained in conscious contact with my Higher Power, that is unless my world was going to hell and it needed rescuing.

Since coming into the recovery world though, I’ve found that if I continue to uphold a daily spiritual routine, I gain a much greater level of balance throughout my entire life. But as soon as I abstain from any part of that spiritual routine, I immediately find myself getting unbalanced and going back to old toxic behaviors.

So this is why I am quite the diligent one these days with the spiritual practices I follow, which include a 45 minute breathing meditation, a 20 minute audio meditation, 30 minutes of spiritual mantras, at least an hour of writing, doing a grateful journal, and of course praying on and off throughout the day.

I know that may seem like an awfully large amount of time and energy to expel, but the fact is not doing so has proven to be an even bigger drain on those things for me. Thus, I know I must continue to follow my daily spiritual routines day in and day out, because having balance truly is that crucial for me to maintain a healthy recovery in life.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson