The Powerful Affirmation I’m Claiming For 2022…

My first entry of the new year. 2022. Wow! It’s hard to ponder that number given I was born in 1972, a time when phone calls were only able to be made on one rotary phone in my home with a very long cord! HA! Anyway, as we all embark upon another year, I reflect upon this last one, especially this past holiday season, one I never quite got into.

Overall, 2021 was such a hard year for so many of us. All the losses of life. All the COVID weariness. All the political unrest and drama. All the shootings. All of it just made it so very hard to get into this holiday season. I did my best though, even going to Chicago in early December with my best friend to see all that glitz and glamour that one of the biggest cities of this country shell out during the holiday season. But, for as much as I enjoyed the company of my best friend during that trip, the season still rang hollow to me. And no matter what holiday things I tried to take part in after that trip, it still felt as if I was living in a world where the holidays weren’t even taking place, which honestly was a first in my life, as up until this calendar year, I’ve always felt at least some of that Christmas cheer.

So, as I reflect and look ahead to another year, I’m praying, hoping, and maybe even begging that 2022 will be the year where joy returns, not just in my life, but in everyone else’s as well. So many have seemed so joyless over the past few years, especially in 2021. I think this pandemic truly has taken its toll upon life for countless numbers of us and while this virus keeps on sticking around, wreaking havoc upon our lives, something that continues to frustrate and bring fear to many of us, I have faith and hope that a major shift will happen in 2022 for the better…for all of us.

A shift that not only brings greater joy, but also ones that brings greater peace. Personally, I haven’t been at peace within myself for a very, very, very, long time. I have sought it, channeled it, and worked so very hard to find it, but it has continued to elude me, as it has so many I know, especially over the past few years. And COVID has made that all the harder, truly challenging each of us to smile in a world that has honestly been hard to smile in.

With every new year up until now, I’ve always had hopes for this to happen and hopes for that to happen, making resolutions, promises, and the like, most of which often falling to the wayside at some point, or never manifesting at all. This year though, I’m choosing to do something very different. I’m simply going to claim the energy I desire the most. I’m going to affirm it right now. And pray this indeed manifests, not just for me, but for all of us.

So, Source, God, whatever You are…our world needs far greater peace and joy right now. Not the peace and joy that comes from all those worldly things, but the true peace and joy that can only come from within, from just being alive and existing. I believe only You can help us find that within ourselves so I affirm that in 2022, because of You, we all will find far more of that very thing. Peace and joy will come into all of our lives in 2022, including mine. I thank You God on behalf of everyone on this planet for this…for the peace and joy we all are going to experience. Amen.

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson