“Diarrhea Of The Mouth”

Have you ever heard a person suddenly unleash a verbal bomb towards someone or something else that includes a combination of swear words, anger, and negativity? If you have, then you’ve witnessed someone having “diarrhea of the mouth”.

Recently, I was visiting someone for a quick visit and had to endure one of these experiences. It began with a healthy and welcoming conversation that was taking place in this friend’s living room. I was feeling totally relaxed and enjoying my visit when all of a sudden that friend went to turn on a light switch to no avail. She abruptly then began screaming and cussing at her housemates as to why the light wasn’t working and carried this on for a few minutes. When her outburst was over, the energy in the room had totally shifted to one that felt completely uncomfortable to be in. Within a few minutes, I made a decision to leave, given how awkward it was now feeling in that room. What this friend didn’t realize was how her “diarrhea of the mouth” did nothing more than snuff out the love and light in that room and create darkness.

Too many people believe it’s healthy to spew out anger and cuss words from their mouth when something isn’t meeting their ego’s expectations. Trust me, I’ve been there and used to do it quite often. But each time I did, I always noticed I felt more unsettled inside afterwards and maybe even a little dirtier. While a shower was never able to cleanse me of that feeling, expressing a heartfelt apology or praying did. I finally figured out recently why that was. What “diarrhea of the mouth” creates is darkness in the areas around me and within me. But connecting with my heart and apologizing or saying a prayer of forgiveness creates something much better. It creates love and light.

The simple truth is that I’ve never found anything good to come from “diarrhea of the mouth” no matter how much something wasn’t meeting my expectations. Instead, I’ve seen how it always has led me away from feeling spiritually close to my Higher Power. I’ve watched how it makes people not want to be around me. And I’ve observed how it even makes people want to join in and create more of it. None of these outcomes are good, as each of them blocks out the light that each of us can create here on Earth.

Today, I do my best to hold my tongue, pray, and find another way to release any anger when I feel it coming up from within. I know that directing it along with some swears, hate, or any other form of negativity towards someone or something else will only derail me from the spiritual path I’m on. There are much healthier ways to release these inner frustrations, but directing it outwardly with “diarrhea of the mouth” isn’t one of them. Now I try to find a private space such as my car where I’ll close the windows and scream at the top of my lungs to release that energy in a safe way. I’ll then pray to my Higher Power to cleanse all that negative energy and ask for guidance through the situation. Thankfully, that continues to work for me and I don’t find myself having that type of a mouth anymore.

So the next time you find yourself suddenly getting angry with someone or something else, I encourage you to take a moment and breathe, before you release any “diarrhea of the mouth”. Please try to find a healthier way to rid yourself of that negative energy and I promise you that not only will you feel so much better in doing so, but the rest of the world will too…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

2 thoughts on ““Diarrhea Of The Mouth””

  1. This is openly and honestly one of the many things you have shown me in the way to do, and it has made my life so much more positive. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Dexter, that means a lot. Sometimes I wonder if I touch any lives for the better, whether it be through my thoughts, words, or actions. I just know that I want to live a life that helps others to be filled with more love and light each and every moment, of every single day.

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