Mantra For The Day – To Help You Feel Good Enough

I never felt good enough growing up. In fact, I always felt like I needed to try harder. Much of that belief system stemmed from the dysfunctional household I grew up in. Deep down my parents weren’t happy within themselves and they often chose alcohol to curb that unhappiness. An unfortunate side effect of their addiction and inner misery was that that nothing was ever done right in their eyes. So regardless of whether I did well in sports, school, chores, or anything else, it never mattered. Instead, my youth was spent trying to overachieve because my parents constantly cited out my shortcomings. By the time I reached adulthood, this pattern continued of me not feeling good enough in any area of my life. It wasn’t until a few years ago when I immersed myself in recovery that I even learned I was this way on a daily basis. It honestly had become a part of me because I had lived for so long in that way. Thankfully, I began utilizing mantras to help with negative character traits such as this and the following is a simple one that can help you if you too happen to be one who has never felt good enough…

“I am good enough on every level and in every way and everything I do is good enough too.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson