A Little More On Those Recovery Home Groups

Most groups in any type of 12 Step recovery program have a name associated to them. Currently one of those I’m regularly attending is entitled the “AA Nooners” Group, although I sometimes think we should be affectionately named the “Looney Nooney Bunch”. J But anyway, I wanted to have a little bit of lighter fare today in my posting so I decided to include some of the more interesting and original group names I and others have come across over time. But before I do so, I wanted to also include as a quick reminder, the importance of having a home group in the first place, of which I wrote about more extensively back in April.

The following are just some of the many benefits I’ve gained from joining a home group in any of the 12 Step Recovery programs I’ve ever been a part of:

  1. Has helped me to develop many friendships and improve my social calendar
  2. Has helped to give me a greater support network
  3. Has helped me to get active in my recovery
  4. Has helped me relate to other’s experience, strength and hope on a deeper level
  5. Has helped me to feel like I’m part of a family
  6. Has helped to make me more accountable in my recovery
  7. Has helped me to locate a sponsor and become one too
  8. Has helped to prevent loneliness within me
  9. Has helped me to have a lot more joy in my recovery
  10. Has helped me to keep wanting to come back one day at a time

And as promised, the following are a bunch of those group names that have brought a smile to my face: (FYI: A group name is often just a humorous label given to a group and doesn’t necessarily reflect those who attend it.)

  1. The “Grave Emotional And Mental Disorders” Group
  2. The “Prayer and Medication” Group
  3. The “Lost Economic Securities” Group
  4. The “Sicker Than Others” Group
  5. The “Constitutionally Incapables” Group
  6. The “State of Unreasonableness” Group
  7. The “Stinkin’ Thinkin’” Group
  8. The “Can I Buy You A Think” Group
  9. The “Allergists” Group
  10. The “Show Up Instead of Throw Up” Group
  11. The “Where Everybody Knows Your Name” Group
  12. The “Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired” Group
  13. The “Terminal Uniqueness” Group
  14. The “Such Unfortunates” Group
  15. The “Satan Doesn’t Mess Around” Group
  16. The “We Are Not A Glum Lot” Group
  17. The “Dogs Run Free, Why Can’t We” Group
  18. The “It’s More Than 90 Meetings In 90 Days” Group
  19. The “Bitter Morass Of Self-Pities” Group
  20. The “Dr. Jekyll’s And Hyde’s Of Recovery” Group

It truly is beneficial to join a home group in a 12 Step recovery program, as the ones I currently attend have helped me greatly to improve my spirituality. I’m very grateful to my Higher Power for helping me find them and all the ones I’ve ever been a part of for that matter. Just know that if one isn’t working for you, you can always join another. So take it one day at a time and hopefully you’ll find your own “Looney Nooney” home group that will feel a little like home just like mine has for me…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

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