Selfish To Selfless Gift Giving

Many gifts can often come with some type of a price tag to those who receive them. In other cases, many gifts can often be given at the same time the action is self-serving the giver. In either case, both are extremely selfish in nature and are acts I once did with great frequency. Thankfully, my growing spirituality has clearly shown me this and led me more on a path to selfless gift giving.

Here are 10 examples of what my selfish gift giving once looked like:

  1. Giving two tickets to a friend for some type of a show where one of them was actually meant for myself.
  2. Buying tickets for a partner to some type of a show that I knew was really not the kind of thing they were into.
  3. Taking someone out to dinner to a place that was really my favorite restaurant and not theirs.
  4. Helping someone out with some type of a chore, only to store the action away for a future “You owe me”.
  5. Giving any type of a gift to someone hoping it will lead to a sexual favor later.
  6. Telling someone they can call anytime for support, solely because I have sexual interests in them.
  7. Treating someone to a movie that is really in a movie genre I only like.
  8. Buying any type of gift solely to defuse another selfish action.
  9. Taking someone on a lavish vacation in the hopes that action will make them never want to leave me.
  10. Giving money to someone in a financial crisis as a gift only to ask for it back sometime later, even when I don’t need the money.

These are just some of the many ways I once used gift giving so selfishly. In my own mind I always believed I was being quite virtuous with each of these type of gift giving actions. But in fact I was not. Deep down inside, the only thing I was essentially concerned about was what I was going to get out of it, whether at the time of me offering it, or sometime later.

Selfless gift giving is nothing like this. It’s something that strictly comes from the heart and soul and never has any hidden agenda attached to it. I wasn’t able to ever achieve that for a very long time because I lived more in my ego than in my heart and soul. Once I made the decision to turn my entire will and life over to the care of a Higher Power, I began feeling guilty every time I tried to do even a slight bit of selfish gift giving. Fortunately, I find myself offering more and more gifts today to others that are not self-serving me in any way. Nor are they containing any hidden price tag either. Instead, I’m just finding myself wanting to see people happy these days in receiving a gift that is solely about them and them alone.

Here are 10 examples of what that might look like:

  1. Buying a pampered massage for someone to enjoy alone.
  2. Taking a person out to a restaurant they particularly enjoy, even when it’s one you might not like.
  3. Buying two tickets to a show for a friend where you have no intention of going whatsoever and insist that they take someone else.
  4. Buying the entire purchase for a person in line behind you at a coffee shop.
  5. Sending flowers to someone just because and not letting them know it’s from you.
  6. Dropping whatever you’re doing to spend time with someone who reaches out for help.
  7. Paying for someone else’s bill and not letting them know you did it.
  8. Cooking a favorite meal for someone, even when it’s not one of your favorite dishes.
  9. Watching a movie with someone that you know they’ll love, even when it’s one you know you won’t.
  10. Donating money to someone’s cause that you have no connection to on any level.

There are plenty of other ways as well that selfless gift giving can occur in this world, but it’s important to remember that nowhere in any of them is there room for a “You owe me later” type of attitude. Selfless gift giving is truly unconditional in nature and feeds the soul too. I’m just glad that I’ve been taught this principle on my path to spiritual enlightenment.

So the bottom line is this. Selfish gift giving certainly is something that comes with a price tag or a self-serving reason. And while some might say that selfless gift giving still benefits the giver on some level as well, I can honestly say I never feel guilty anytime I do it. With that being said, I take that as a sign from my Higher Power which type of gift giving I’m really meant to keep right on doing…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

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