Some Thoughts On The Deadly Terrorist Attack In Paris

Sadly, just over a week ago there was another major terrorist attack in Paris, a place that already suffered from a deadly one back in January. More than 100 people have died this time around with many more injured, all from once again a radical religious organization who firmly believes their actions are justified. I honestly can’t and probably never will understand how anyone can kill innocent people all in the name of their Higher Power. So while my heart goes out to all those who were impacted from this recent tragedy, I can’t help but think about the mindset of each of the individuals who were behind this coordinated attack.

What could actually bring someone to the point of believing that killing mass numbers of people is what a Higher Power would want? I guess the answer to that question all depends on the Higher Power each has created for themselves. In my case, I firmly believe in an unconditionally loving and compassionate God who cares about everyone and everything. But I also know there are those out there who feel God loathes and detests certain types of people. Case in point, I’ve met plenty of Christians who have told me that their God hates gay people and the lives gays live. The fact is, if there are people who have a God like that, then I guess I can see how there are those out there in the world who have a Higher Power that calls on them to kill others for Its glory.

But truthfully, I find it extremely sad that anyone can have a Higher Power who leads them to hate, be angry, and even murder someone else. I feel within the core of my very being that the only reason why I was brought here was to love everyone as best as I can without any judgment. And if there is any possibility that all of us were brought here for that very same reason, how do we steer so far from that to the point of killing others?

Regardless of the answer, the Paris attack has left me pondering the state of our world once again, as it seems like there is more and more violence and bloodshed happening these days. And honesty, what good has come out of any of it? As far as I can see, it’s only led to more fear and more violence and less love on our planet.

So as I mourn those who lost their lives in this terrible extremist attack in Paris, I know the only thing I can do is to continue doing what I’ve been doing each and every day and that’s to love as Christ did, without any judgment, without harming another, and with as much compassion as I can muster from my soul. Beyond that, I’m going to keep praying for healing, love, and light for the rest of the planet…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson



Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

2 thoughts on “Some Thoughts On The Deadly Terrorist Attack In Paris”

  1. Every form of religion has and will always have extremist who use that religion to try and force others to believe as they do by the FEAR of death. Sadly we seem to live in a world where my beliefs cannot be right for me if they disagree with what you believe. I truly believe that it comes down to an actual lack of FAITH in what a person believes. How can my God be right if their God is also??

    1. The only problem I have with religion is when a person takes their religion and hurts someone else with it. I only wish that one day people would see the only solution is to love each other in whatever their religion is.

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