The Leniency Given To Famous People And Their Spiritual Lessons

Is it possible that the leniency shown to famous people when they’re brought up on criminal charges delays them from fully learning the spiritual lessons they’re meant to learn?

Time and time again I see the news reports that show some type of a famous person has been arrested again on a serious charge. One of the most common ones these days seems to be a DUI. Most of these charges are frequently dismissed or are reduced to something quite minimal such as community service. While I can’t say for sure whether any of those charges ever have real truth behind them, I’ve had the tendency to believe there must be some when it comes to repeat offenders. Justin Bieber is one of those lately who keeps falling under this category as he’s been racking up criminal charges across the country. In recent years it was Lindsay Lohan though who was the one constantly in the news for getting arrested again.

I’m pretty sure that stars such as Bieber and Lohan feel great relief when their charges are completely dropped or reduced to something minimal. But I often wonder if that leniency is exactly what leads them to become those repeat offenders. In the recovery world I live in, many of my friends didn’t get that lenient treatment for the same type of criminal charges. Instead some have permanently lost their ability to drive a vehicle, some got extended jail time, and others had to go through extremely intensive programs for rehabilitation. There is a positive thing though that has come out of these more intense sentences that the courts gave them. They’re not a repeat offender anymore and they are extremely active in their 12-Step recovery.

I have a friend back in Boston who is one of them as he spent many years in prison for his alcohol and drug related behaviors. It was enough to wake him up and find recovery and today he’s a fine standing citizen who has been sober for many years now. He doesn’t regret being in prison for all those years because it was the wake up call he needed. I have many other friends who also don’t regret their sentences either because it was exactly what they needed to learn the spiritual lessons they needed to learn. It was exactly what motivated them to find recovery and stay in recovery. And it was exactly what led them to find a Higher Power to continuing guiding them on a healthy path. Famous people who get those high-priced lawyers may avoid the hefty sentences, but they also avoid the pain that could motivate them to stop doing the negative behaviors their doing that leads them back to getting arrested.

I’m not sure if things will ever change in the legal system for these stars, especially when money seems to always solve their legal problems. But I can still hope and pray that each of them may one day hit rock bottom like I once did many years ago before one of their charges is one they can’t get out of. While it may seem like they’re above the law for now, eventually they will always end up learning those spiritual lessons, it just may take a lot more time, and a lot more arrests.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Is Sobriety Boring?

One of the biggest reasons why it took me so long to find sobriety from alcohol and drugs was the fact that I couldn’t imagine having fun in life without them. The truth was that I thought the idea of getting sober actually sounded quite boring back then. I was only 23 years old at the time and in my mind, drinking and drugging was just what you did to have fun. Sadly, this is exactly why so many people, especially young adults, struggle to achieve sobriety and stay in recovery, and I was definitely one of them.

Before I drew that first full day sober from alcohol and drugs, my social life solely consisted of going to parties, raves, clubs, bars, pool halls, barbecues, and various other locales where the norm was to get drunk or high. In my mind back then, the only time it wasn’t an occasion to do those things was during my workday. For some reason I never crossed that threshold. Maybe that’s why the idea of getting sober sounded so boring to me back then because I associated it with the only area of my life where I was sober, work. And work was totally boring to me.

I didn’t achieve that first full day sober until my life really got out of control from the alcohol and drugs. When it did, I started checking out Alcoholics Anonymous in June of 1995, and at that time, there weren’t many young people trying to get clean and sober. In addition, the young people’s groups that are so readily present today weren’t really around back then. This made me feel like a fish out of the water, as the rooms seemed filled mostly with people in their late 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s and beyond. I didn’t stay around very long in those rooms for this reason and instead I sought out other addictions to keep myself numb and to continue my illusion of what having fun was.

By the time I came back into the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous, twelve more years had passed. I wasn’t that young anymore and had discovered I wasn’t having fun with any of my addictions either. I wanted to find happiness in life in a completely different way so I decided to give the 12-Step process of recovery my full attention. While it took me a few more years to achieve that, I eventually was able to get there and that’s when I began seeing that life had a vast amount of things to enjoy, and none of them were associated to any of my addictions.

I learned how to have fun going to meetings, having coffees and meals with others, partaking in game nights, going to beaches, playing sports, heading on road trips, hiking, biking, seeing movies at the theater and so much more. What was ironic was how all those things either seemed completely boring to me during those addiction-fueled years, or they had to have one of my addictions present for me to take part in any one of them.

Thankfully, I’ve learned how to have a lot more fun today clean and sober not only from alcohol and drugs, but also from all of my other addictions too. Every day I find something new to enjoy in life and my brain no longer is telling me that sobriety is boring. In fact it’s just the opposite today as the idea of drinking and drugging, and doing any of my other addictions these days seems totally boring.

The point I’m trying to make here is this. Whether you are young, middle-aged, or older, there is a lot of fun to be had in a clean and sober based life. While your ego and brain may be telling you otherwise, once you invest yourself fully in recovery, you too will see that sobriety really isn’t boring at all. And before you know it, you’ll also start seeing how an addiction-based life is what’s really boring…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

“Diarrhea Of The Mouth”

Have you ever heard a person suddenly unleash a verbal bomb towards someone or something else that includes a combination of swear words, anger, and negativity? If you have, then you’ve witnessed someone having “diarrhea of the mouth”.

Recently, I was visiting someone for a quick visit and had to endure one of these experiences. It began with a healthy and welcoming conversation that was taking place in this friend’s living room. I was feeling totally relaxed and enjoying my visit when all of a sudden that friend went to turn on a light switch to no avail. She abruptly then began screaming and cussing at her housemates as to why the light wasn’t working and carried this on for a few minutes. When her outburst was over, the energy in the room had totally shifted to one that felt completely uncomfortable to be in. Within a few minutes, I made a decision to leave, given how awkward it was now feeling in that room. What this friend didn’t realize was how her “diarrhea of the mouth” did nothing more than snuff out the love and light in that room and create darkness.

Too many people believe it’s healthy to spew out anger and cuss words from their mouth when something isn’t meeting their ego’s expectations. Trust me, I’ve been there and used to do it quite often. But each time I did, I always noticed I felt more unsettled inside afterwards and maybe even a little dirtier. While a shower was never able to cleanse me of that feeling, expressing a heartfelt apology or praying did. I finally figured out recently why that was. What “diarrhea of the mouth” creates is darkness in the areas around me and within me. But connecting with my heart and apologizing or saying a prayer of forgiveness creates something much better. It creates love and light.

The simple truth is that I’ve never found anything good to come from “diarrhea of the mouth” no matter how much something wasn’t meeting my expectations. Instead, I’ve seen how it always has led me away from feeling spiritually close to my Higher Power. I’ve watched how it makes people not want to be around me. And I’ve observed how it even makes people want to join in and create more of it. None of these outcomes are good, as each of them blocks out the light that each of us can create here on Earth.

Today, I do my best to hold my tongue, pray, and find another way to release any anger when I feel it coming up from within. I know that directing it along with some swears, hate, or any other form of negativity towards someone or something else will only derail me from the spiritual path I’m on. There are much healthier ways to release these inner frustrations, but directing it outwardly with “diarrhea of the mouth” isn’t one of them. Now I try to find a private space such as my car where I’ll close the windows and scream at the top of my lungs to release that energy in a safe way. I’ll then pray to my Higher Power to cleanse all that negative energy and ask for guidance through the situation. Thankfully, that continues to work for me and I don’t find myself having that type of a mouth anymore.

So the next time you find yourself suddenly getting angry with someone or something else, I encourage you to take a moment and breathe, before you release any “diarrhea of the mouth”. Please try to find a healthier way to rid yourself of that negative energy and I promise you that not only will you feel so much better in doing so, but the rest of the world will too…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson