Grateful Heart Monday

Welcome to Grateful Heart Monday, where I write about a single piece of gratitude I have in my life, so that I may start my week off on a positive note, which for today is dedicated to all those who took the time a week ago today to wish me a happy 46th birthday and 23 years of sobriety from alcohol and drugs.

It’s amazing to think I’m 46 years old now to be perfectly honest, as it’s difficult to fathom how all those years have already gone by. Even more amazing to ponder is that I’ve been sober from booze and pills now for exactly half of those years as well. But, the most amazing thing that happened on a day where I always turn a year older and continue to increase my length of sobriety, were the amount of people who actually took the time to wish me a special one.

So, to the couple hundred who reached out on social media, to the many who sent messages via texts, and to all those who called on that day, I am so very grateful.

In light of that, it’s led me to wonder if the amount of people who reach out each year to wish me a special day is directly proportional somehow to my recovery work and my relationship with God. What I mean by that is how my work with both has moved my life quite a bit from a selfish and self-centered existence to more of a selfless and giving one, which in turn, seems to have led to more and more people every year to connect with me when June 11throlls around again. And while I know it’s important to have gratitude if even just one person was to remember my birthday and sobriety anniversary, it’s pretty awesome to see how many reached out this year and I feel it must be related to God and my recovery work. Because frankly, it wasn’t all too long ago when I was hard pressed to have anyone remember me on June 11th, unless it was from someone I was sleeping with or from a concerned family member.

So, as my phone beeped and dinged and rang throughout the day a week ago and as I took the time to thank each and every individual who was thinking of me on yet another birthday and sober anniversary, I ultimately found an immense amount of gratitude to not only each of them, but to God as well for reminding me when I most needed it, that I do matter…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson